Australia Thwarts Terror Attack

Cool, good to see intelligence being used in time.

"Police confiscated a number of items in the raids, including chemicals that if combined would be "volatile", said Moroney."
Could be some poor old men mixing fuel for their model planes :P
short recoil said:
Cool, good to see intelligence being used in time.

"Police confiscated a number of items in the raids, including chemicals that if combined would be "volatile", said Moroney."
Could be some poor old men mixing fuel for their model planes :P
Lets see we have gasoline for fuel, oil to make sure the engines don't cease. I think were ready too...

*Police burst in the door*


What? No please were just making remote controlled planes...

bliink must have flashed the terrorists her goods then pwned them while they were mesmerized.
xLostx said:
bliink must have flashed the terrorists her goods then pwned them while they were mesmerized.

Oh yeah, I love those goods...

It would've been even funnier if they were Australian goods. I've never seen any of those in my life.
Sparta said:
It would've been even funnier if they were Australian goods. I've never seen any of those in my life.

Unfortunately, Google Image search brings up nothing useful, but hell, I tried.
They're saying its all a big show to try and justify our new anti terror laws.

They're not very friendly eg, its 7 years jail for the new "Seditious intention" crime:
New Legislation said:
Seditious intention means an intention to effect any of the following purposes:
(a) to bring the Sovereign into hatred or contempt;
(b) to urge disaffection against the following:
(i) the Constitution;
(ii) the Government of the Commonwealth;
(iii) either House of the Parliament;
(c) to urge another person to attempt, otherwise than by lawful
means, to procure a change to any matter established by law
in the Commonwealth;
(d) to promote feelings of ill-will or hostility between different
groups so as to threaten the peace, order and good
government of the Commonwealth.

"disaffection"?? "Peace, order and good government"?!?!
Very broad and nasty looking :\

Its also a crime to tell anyone that you've been charged under the new law.
I'm sick of these Pop-Jihad morons. Get a ****ing life and stop with the jihad crap it's so 2001.
Well finally they did something, me dad spent a lot of time on them
The problem with a swoop before a terror attack is that it doesn't really carry much weight.
News: Hurray, Australian police have possibly thwarted a major terrorist attack

idiot Australian: pssssshhhhhh probably just showing off :rolleyes:

Can't anyone on here be happy, a terrorist attack happens and everyone is up in arms about how it couldn't be thwarted earlier by the military/intelligence/police, and then one is thwarted, everyone moans that it is probably just scare mongering or showing off the new laws. :frown:
Razor said:
Can't anyone on here be happy, a terrorist attack happens and everyone is up in arms about how it couldn't be thwarted earlier by the military/intelligence/police, and then one is thwarted, everyone moans that it is probably just scare mongering or showing off the new laws. :frown:

oh of course, but it doesnt mean everyone should just swallow without questioning it first. thats the whole point.

yeah i'm glad they might have averted an attack, but the evidence they have doesnt look too great so far. realise this terrorism law was copping major flak from people and was rushed through the government by a political party that many people are already wary of, and which has already been caught in many lies in domestic issues.

the new laws let a lot of stuff happen with no evidence at all, the new laws allow detainment and gag orders for long periods of time.
when the government is allowed to "clam up" after excercising these powers, you need to stay vigilant or you risk worse consequences than a terrorist attack
bliink said:
oh of course, but it doesnt mean everyone should just swallow without questioning it first. thats the whole point.

yeah i'm glad they might have averted an attack, but the evidence they have doesnt look too great so far. realise this terrorism law was copping major flak from people and was rushed through the government by a political party that many people are already wary of, and which has already been caught in many lies in domestic issues.

the new laws let a lot of stuff happen with no evidence at all, the new laws allow detainment and gag orders for long periods of time.
when the government is allowed to "clam up" after excercising these powers, you need to stay vigilant or you risk worse consequences than a terrorist attack

I'd rather a few innocent people get arrested and let off then a guilty person to get by and blow up a building full of people.

Fine, if the innocent people are locked up for years without a trial, like in America, then it's a huge problem and no better then China. But if someone is arrested, held for a couple of weeks whilst the police carry out their enquiries and then let go and it helps stop terrorist attacks, no problem.
I bet a kangaroo cop jumped in and boxed the terrorists into submission
Razor said:
Fine, if the innocent people are locked up for years without a trial, like in America, then it's a huge problem and no better then China. But if someone is arrested, held for a couple of weeks whilst the police carry out their enquiries and then let go and it helps stop terrorist attacks, no problem.

yes probably, but if you dont make a fuss when its at that stage, the authorities will just take more and more.. it will spiral out of your control.
Besides, "I caught the man that done it" carried a lot more weight than "I caught the man who looked as though he was going to do it", especially when people say "Prove it".
-Terry Pratchett, Jingo

Point being that people aren't going to swallow it whole, and no there are not kangaroo cops.
The Mullinator said:
Lets see we have gasoline for fuel, oil to make sure the engines don't cease. I think were ready too...

*Police burst in the door*


What? No please were just making remote controlled planes...


LMFAO! That made me laugh out loud! :D Thanks for that :)

Anyway, i think its better the hold possible terrorists/suspects while they gather evidence, then let them free if they're found to be innocent. It just keeps that potential threat locked away if they actually ARE terrorists/suspects.