Auto reset?

Aug 5, 2004
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I've created a super weapon that once you press a switch it powers up and fires what i can't figure out is a way to make it auto shutdown after a preset number of seconds have gone by. I've tried a logic_timer that's triggered 30 seconds after the switch was pressed and it does shut the weapon off but than by using the timer to trigger the switch it's also started the 30 second delay for that timer again putting this in a never ending loop. So if anyone knows a way around this please enlighten me.
Have the switch, or whatever trigger you are using, send another input with a larger delay to your 'shutoff'


My Output Named: Trigger, OnPressed, etc.
Target Entities Named: <your weapon>
Via this input: Disable, <whatever suits, cant specify without knowing your entity setup>
With a parameter override of: <none>
After a delay of: 30.0

If the weapon is resuaable, simply give your triggering entity a Delay before Reset property of thirty seconds.