

Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Is there any site that has cool HL2 Avatars. And no, I cannot make my own, all of the ones I have made been this have been bad and not worthy to show
Take a pic, cut it down to 50x50

Mine is just an apple, AND IT PWNS!!!
uh thx. i'll try and find one

EDIT: I found a site, but there were so many good ones, I couldn't choose just one, so I combined them. the website is http://avatar2k.nm***/64x64/game/index.htm. It is not in English but you can prolly figure out that 1 comes after 0 and 2 comes next after that etc.
or ask somebody here who has one that's part of a set for another part of the set so that you can match them! that's what I did! thanks again, Tr0n!
destrukt said:
or steal one like some ppl on here do :|
i guess i kinda did that, although not from someone on the forum.
Getting avatars is all up to you actually, unless you want one of the avatars this forum has to offer, you have to find a picture you like and make it an acceptable size, that's it.
Yes, if you don't steal my avatar i'll ban you.
But, if you steal my avatar i'll ban you.
My avatar is my xmas one someone made me that Im to lazy to change.
Lazy english. :|

Anyways if you are gonna use someone elses avatar I advise you to ask first.

Better not steal mine bitch.
Ritz said:
My avatar is my xmas one someone made me that Im to lazy to change.
You're still very welcome. ;)

Erm.........get Firefox?
Danimal said:
Mine pwns j00 411!!!!!111oneoneeleven
Refer to what my avatar is doing with his finger.Thank you.
could just find a random pic - there are tons! of them - cut it down to size and there ya go - or ask someone to do one for you...
Tr0n said:
Refer to what my avatar is doing with his finger.Thank you.

Yea, sorry. I never do that as much as you think... Trust me.