Avator Help


May 19, 2003
Reaction score
Well, i have a GIF avator that i was wondering how to edit and make smalle but my biggest problem is just getting a a picture on this place. I use just the regular paint program and i "stretch and skrew" it by like 5% and it ends up working but it's so much smaller compared to anyone elses....and if i do anything higher than 5% it says it's too big. Any input please msg back or private msg...thank you.
umm... well the avatar size is 50x50; it looks like yours is rectangular rather than square so maybe to accomodate for the dimensions, it has to compensate for the length by making the width less than 50; so you don't get the full area that you could. you could edit it in paint to cut off part of the left and maybe a little of the right so it can be a square, then stretch that to 50x50. did that make sense?

[edit] and if you're changing it by percentages instead of just selecting and manually stretching it... don't do that. select the part of the image in a, err, select box (?) that's in the proportion of 1 to 1 (square) -- the length/width in pixels should show up on the bottom right of the screen -- and then manually shrink it to 50x50. then move whatever you've got selected to the upper left corner of the paint screen, and grab the edges of the drawing/painting (?) area to 50x50 (length/width shows up in bottom right again)....... now did that make any sense? i need sleep.
yo tokin, if dfc05's advice didn't work, or you couldn't do it, just pm me, and send me the picture and i'll do it for ya.