
The Freeman
Jun 12, 2009
Reaction score
From Rebellion.co.uk:


Signing of Rebellion's Aliens vs. Predator makes for a third Aliens franchise game, which will be the first to launch in series.

SAN FRANCISCO & LONDON (February 10, 2009) - SEGA of America Inc., SEGA Europe Ltd. and Twentieth Century Fox Licensing & Merchandising (Fox L&M) today reveals exciting new details of their increasing portfolio of upcoming games based on Twentieth Century Fox?s Aliens universe.

SEGA will publish an all-new Aliens vs. Predator (working title) game in early 2010. The game is currently in development with independent developer Rebellion, creators of the original 1999 Aliens versus Predator; a legendary title that went on to define an entire generation of multiplayer gaming.

With the opportunity to publish what promises to be a landmark game, SEGA has strategically updated the release of the other upcoming Aliens titles currently in development within its portfolio.

Sega is capitalizing on this franchise. Bring on the smart gun.
Oh my ****ing God, YES!
Rebellion's at the helm again = high probability of co-op mp mode.

About damn time.
Uhhh, will this be the RTS one? *I think the first one was the RTS, right?*
Hrmmm given the comparisons the original NS often faced I hope NS2 comes out before this.

Otherwise, all YAYness.
Yeah the RTS came out after 1 and I think 2. Was console only iirc.
Glad to hear that the original developers are working on it. The previous titles are classics imo.
I just hope that we do not get a shitty port of it. This seems to be the latest trend these days.
To be honest, I am more interested in A:CM and the Aliens cRPG.
Oh my oh my oh my oh my, please, I want it so bad. I could give a F*CK if the story like is cliche or stupid, in fact... I want it to be.

I f*cking loved AVP 2 personally, I may play it again soon actually.


So many cool parts in that game, I hope they give us some fun moments too :(

I am really fond of the part in the original for all 3 campaigns where you were in that weird hovering craft over some planet, each one you got to see your previous character, and had to escape in different ways. The human one was really sweet because you had to escape your prison and you were wandering around that abandon structure all like "oh man" and then you get out on top of a long hallway thing on the outside of the ship thing, and you're high up as hell and the wind is blowing... Man, that was some sci-fi adventure goodness right there.
I suggest you first check who still works in Rebellion that also did AvP1 and AvP2, before going "OMFGORIGINALDEVS".

the AVP game series are awesome. the first was scary as hell, second was more interesting.

but i'll be pretty pissed if they don't make the game gory and scary. seriously, nailing a marine head to the wall is always satisfying.
Oh by the way guys(and girls), before you get your panties in a bunch, Sega has stated that their new AvP game is currently only in development for the 360 and PS3, with no PC version currently planned.

So in other words, at the moment, it seems that if you don't own a PS3 or 360, you're ****ed.

*panties in a serious bunch*
It'll be a PC game, of that I have no doubt.
Oh by the way guys(and girls), before you get your panties in a bunch, Sega has stated that their new AvP game is currently only in development for the 360 and PS3, with no PC version currently planned.

So in other words, at the moment, it seems that if you don't own a PS3 or 360, you're ****ed.
GG troll no they haven't
I have a hunch it'll end up like Predator Concrete Jungle; see just another licensed quick buck.
I haven't had much past experience with Sega, but seeing as how they've basically turned Sonic (their original premier video game character) into a cash cow franchise, I have little doubt that they'll turn a movie liscense into a quick buck game.
Sega have been redeeming itself by releasing some descent titles lately. Excluding sonic, you can GTFO you little spiky blue failure...
GG troll no they haven't
I'm just going off what GameSpots article on the game told me, no need to insult me. GameSpot states that the new AvP game is currently only in development for the 360 and PS3.

And honestly, if it's true, would you be surprised? What with the current financial situation of the world, I guess some devs find a PC 'port' a moneydrain, seeing as you need to optimize it for many diff setups, make it compatible with both XP and Vista, both DX9 and DX10 hardware etc.

Also, yet again, no need to call me a troll because I'm simply feeding back the info given to me by a big gaming website.

If the info is incorrect I apologize, but until someone points me to an article that contradicts what GameSpot's told me I will continue believing them and stating it is a console exclusive for the time being.

I haven't had much past experience with Sega, but seeing as how they've basically turned Sonic (their original premier video game character) into a cash cow franchise, I have little doubt that they'll turn a movie liscense into a quick buck game.
Well, the two other SEGA Alien(s) titles besides the new AvP sound good too IMO, both the new L4D-sounding Aliens: Colonial Marines by Gearbox, as well as the new Aliens RPG in dev by the people who made KoTOR2.
I have little doubt that they'll turn a movie liscense into a quick buck game.

Movie licence? From what's been announced it has nothing to do with the AvP movies, it'll be a sequel to the Alien vs Predator games (Rebellion being the same developer that did the original AvP game), which both came out long before the AvP movies.
Movie licence? From what's been announced it has nothing to do with the movies, it'll be a sequel to the Alien vs Predator games (Rebellion being the same developer that did the original AvP game), which both came out long before the AvP movies.

Well, geeze, should've read past the licensing then. Were the last games that great?
They announced what platforms it'd be on awhile ago, I don't know if what he said is correct or not though.
They announced what platforms it would be on awhile ago. Awhile ago. When this news just dropped yesterday. When I posted about it JUST YESTERDAY, WHEN NEWS DROPPED ON REBELLION'S OWN SITE. They announced what platforms a game they hadn't announced until YESTERDAY would be on, "awhile ago."

I'm just going off what GameSpots article on the game told me, no need to insult me. GameSpot states that the new AvP game is currently only in development for the 360 and PS3.
Sorry bro. I deal with video game trolls all day. I thought you were being an asshat. Listen, Gamespot is full of shit, no platforms have been announced yet, and given that Colonial Marines is on PC, PS3, and 360, and the first two AvP games were for PC, do you really think that this one won't be?

Gamespot is so full of shit, my god. GG trolls.
I'm just going off what GameSpots article on the game told me, no need to insult me. GameSpot states that the new AvP game is currently only in development for the 360 and PS3.

Do you have a link to this supposed Gamespot article? The only article I could find (http://www.gamespot.com/news/6204546.html) that mentioned the new AvP game, only mentions AvP in the title of the article.
The Aliens RPG has just been cancelled.

Sources tell Kotaku that Sega has pulled the plug on their upcoming Aliens Roleplaying Game under development by California-based developer Obsidian.

We've also been told that Obsidian, no longer working on the Sega project, laid off more than 20 people last night. With lack of official confirmation from anyone at the two companies involved, take this with a grain of salt.

Shame if true.
Do you have a link to this supposed Gamespot article? The only article I could find (http://www.gamespot.com/news/6204546.html) that mentioned the new AvP game, only mentions AvP in the title of the article.
http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/aliensvspredatorworkingtitle/index.html?tag=tabs;summary there used to be an article linked there that stated it was "Headed for the PS3 and XB360", but it seems gone now. Still some indication left of that statement though, considering that unlike Aliens: Colonial Marines, they only list a PS3 and 360 version, and no PC version.
They retracted their shit because they knew they were full of it. I hate Gamespot for a lot of reasons, but fact-checking should be something that a journalist is held to. If you don't know the answer don't guess and make up shit.

And likely they've only got it listed under PS3 and 360 because they're lazy to do a section on PC when they're not sure. Which, if you're not sure, why the hell would youARGH NOW I'M JUST GETTING ANGRIER
The Aliens RPG has just been cancelled.

Shame if true.

Are you an idiot? Or do you try real hard?

Kotaku's a RUMOUR site. They even say it on the page you linked to: "take with a grain of salt".
Well, in a PM I got from one of the Obsidian devs on their forums, it's still under dev just going through a big redesign.

Edit: It being the Aliens RPG that is.
I love how news sources never get their facts straight on "new" things like science (teleportation), anime (Cowboy Bebop at his computer), and videogames (dear God).

I really love it when a major video game news source does this.

I definitley love it how whenever they realize they screw up, they decide to either simply remove the news from their site, or if that's not possible, type up an apology on the 5th page behind the one the story was on.

I totally love it how above all of this, they never bother asking for validation on their facts from anyone who actually gives a rat's ass or knows about the subject matter at all, and only notice anything when someone mails the mistake to them personally.

I very much like how Gamespot at least has the knowledge to not force you to pay for their shitty "news", while some sites like to make you pay for anything that isn't a year old (IGN). I love it even more when either of those sites list their content as "Gamespot/IGN EXCLUSIVE" when all know that it'll be all over the internet within an hour, and its really just exclusive to Earth.

But most of all, I love how the media constantly portrays us in a negative fashion regardless of how straight they get their facts (see Fox News on the four leaf clover website).

But I hate how I'm going to have to tell you that all of the above is a load of bullshit and I hate it when those things happen. I'm going to have to tell you so because Darkside's sarcasm meter is busted, and many of you other readers can't hear the amount of sarcasm in a line of text.