Awesome explosion


...on a side note, you have to change that avatar. It makes me want to do bad things.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:

...on a side note, you have to change that avatar. It makes me want to do bad things.

whats wrong with that :naughty:
Mac said:
whats wrong with that :naughty:
True. Then I just won't look at your posts unless my girlfriend's around. Cuz it sucks wanting to to bad things and not having anyone to do them to.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
True. Then I just won't look at your posts unless my girlfriend's around. Cuz it sucks wanting to to bad things and not having anyone to do them to.

hehe true that.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
True. Then I just won't look at your posts unless my girlfriend's around. Cuz it sucks wanting to to bad things and not having anyone to do them to.

Yeah, it must suck seeing that tiny picture. How do you watch TV, or even walk down the street without seeing stuff like that. Do you live in Utah or something? When you go to the beach do you get really really angry?
Man, that was sweet. I laughed so hard :LOL:

It's like those comedies where the water hose stops and the guy looks in it and it starts again.
TrevorGrigg said:
Yeah, it must suck seeing that tiny picture. How do you watch TV, or even walk down the street without seeing stuff like that. Do you live in Utah or something? When you go to the beach do you get really really angry?
If I'm on my adderall, yes.

If I'm not, I just get a...well, that's not appropriate.

Nope, don't live in Utah, but I find that picture particularly provocative.
LittleB said:
Man, that was sweet. I laughed so hard :LOL:

It's like those comedies where the water hose stops and the guy looks in it and it starts again.

thats exactly how it felt :LOL:
sweet... wierd how the rocket didn't explode and was stuck..
pretty bad quality for that filesize.
but at least you didnt use fraps.
actually, with my twisted imagination, that avatar doesn't look sexy, it looks gross: in the sense that if you squint, it looks like a strip of cloth going around some guys right armpit when viewed from the back. keep in mind i hadn't slept for thirty six hours when i said this.

and while i'm on it, the explosion video loaded sound with no picture. maybe its just me.
Thats awesome!!! :LOL: Oh, that was too funny!

Love the avatar too. :thumbs:
i can't see how you could think that looks like a guy's armpit. it almost makes me question your...uh...preference. :LOL:

and i can't believe there are still people out there without the divx codec. download it if you only get sound.
DIVX codec is so lame. U don't need it. At least u dont need to download it.
All you need is to download VLCplayer
or the win32 port of Mplayer

If you use one of those, I guarantee that you can watch every singel movie out there...

I cant believe that some people don't know about them.

That video was really cool. Some lag there huh?
And u where like, wtf?!!?, and get there to watch and booom.
pwned =)
Choscura said:
actually, with my twisted imagination, that avatar doesn't look sexy, it looks gross: in the sense that if you squint, it looks like a strip of cloth going around some guys right armpit when viewed from the back.
OMG I see it to! *DIES!*
So that means you eat crayons to huh, glad to know I am not alone :cheers:
nice, what did u use to tkae the video?? like i want to be able to take in-game video, but fraps screwed my bro's pc, so i don't want to install it.
Mad-Larkin said:
nice, what did u use to tkae the video?? like i want to be able to take in-game video, but fraps screwed my bro's pc, so i don't want to install it.

I used this tutorial someone posted in the SA forums:
Making movies
Making movies is fairly straightforward. There are two ways to release a movie, in .dem (demo) format, or a more traditional .avi file. Both methods start the same, but the second has some drawbacks. First, load a game and get yourself to the point where you would like the movie to start. Execute record <name of demo> and then exit the console. Don't worry, in all of these commands the console will never be captured, so you can spend as long as you want in there. Once you've reached the end of the film, bring the console backup and do stop. At this point you have a nice .dem file sitting in the jbmod folder, so you can distrubte that if you wish, or you can continue on to .avi files.

If you've chosen to make an .avi, be warned. Half-life's 2 method of making movies requires a LOT of disk space. A 60 second movie takes somewhere in the neighborhood of at least 3 gigs of free space. If this is acceptable, then continue on. First, get to the menu of HL2 and crank up all details so you'll have nice frames (don't worry about fps!). Since you're probably going to want to shrink the frames down anyway, and to save space, set your resolution to 640*480. Also, make sure you're using stereo sound, or you'll break the .wav file. Now, execute the following commands:

host_framerate 30
startmovie <name of movie>
playdemo <name of demo>

HL2 will start rendering your frames. Do not worry if it appears jerky or anything. It is simply rendering and writing each frame in sequence, so your movies will ALWAYS come out nice and smooth. When the demo finishes, do endmovie. Now, exit HL2 and navigate to the jbmod folder. There will be a CRAPLOAD of targa files in there. If you're using Windows Movie Maker, you're going to need some method of converting the .tga files to .bmp or another lossless image format. Use WMM as you normally would to make movies, using the included .wav file (it's with the .tga files) for the sound.

If you're using VirtualDub (like me) all you need to do is load VDub, drag the first .tga file into it, and it will include the rest. Set your video compression as you normally would, and if it's a large movie, shrink the frames down as well. Then, go to audio and select a WAV file as the source. Navigate to the jbmod folder and use the .wav file that's titled the same as your movie. Compress the audio as you normally would as well, and then save the AVI.

I would use virtualDub as suggested here. its free and pretty easy to use. just follow the intructions here. If you need any help, just ask me and ill try to solve your problem.
Choscura said:
actually, with my twisted imagination, that avatar doesn't look sexy, it looks gross: in the sense that if you squint, it looks like a strip of cloth going around some guys right armpit when viewed from the back. keep in mind i hadn't slept for thirty six hours when i said this.

and while i'm on it, the explosion video loaded sound with no picture. maybe its just me.
bahahhahahah that was actaully funny, just merryly hoppin over to see what happens xD
*Chortle* Thanks for sharing. That was funnier than if they'd just exploded!
Choscura said:
actually, with my twisted imagination, that avatar doesn't look sexy, it looks gross: in the sense that if you squint, it looks like a strip of cloth going around some guys right armpit when viewed from the back.

Damnit, you ruined it for meee!! I am one of those who when he gets an image in my mind, cannot get rid of it, and now you have turned a hot chick's backside into a armpit view of a guy for me. ;(
i can smell THE PIT!!!! uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
buildingblocks is the map:

made with jbmod in mind so you can build various contraptions.
to spawn something, just walk up to the 'pod' and hit your use key.
Mac said:
buildingblocks is the map:

made with jbmod in mind so you can build various contraptions.
to spawn something, just walk up to the 'pod' and hit your use key.

May I inquire as to any special settings you may have had for say, the physics? Whenever I do anything that big my fps go to like....5.

When yours exploded it was really smooth.
Choscura said:
actually, with my twisted imagination, that avatar doesn't look sexy, it looks gross: in the sense that if you squint, it looks like a strip of cloth going around some guys right armpit when viewed from the back. keep in mind i hadn't slept for thirty six hours when i said this.

and while i'm on it, the explosion video loaded sound with no picture. maybe its just me.

That's what I thinking it was the first time I saw it. But yeah.. its not as hot as some other non-nude pics I have seen. Better luck next time....

And the explosion should've been seen from where you shot the rocket from.. that would've been better.
Also, what are your PC specs, it seems like maybe it's my CPU thats doing it to me (3000+)
Same with me, I have Athlon 64 3500+ and the bloomin' thing lags on me still! x800 Pro, as well...
You dumb ass, why did you copy the picture like that?
The only reason it seems likes he's getting a good fps is because the movie was made with a crapload of pics just put together. I'm sure he lagged like hell when it exploded.