Awesome/gruesome fight scenes.


Dec 4, 2004
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What is the most awesome and or gorry fight scene you have ever seen? Me and my m8s are having a Bad Assed movie marathon and I need to bring something really good after that "Barbie does shakespear" movie I brought to the last one.
JellyWorld said:

It's a short film, pretty gruesome especially the last bit :)

I dunno about violence in full length movies, 21 grams has a 9 minute anal rape scene though.

Gee, that's pleasant. :hmph:

Why would they possibly feel the need to include a 9 minute anal rape scene anyways? What did it bring to the movie? I've never seen it, or heard of it even.

To me, it sounds like gratuitous awful stuff just for the sake of being awful. At 9 minutes, it does anyways.
Can I come to the movie night? I have no friends ;( :laugh:

Creep had some funny scenes and sin city too ( I have em here burned on a dvd )
Raziaar said:
Gee, that's pleasant. :hmph:

Why would they possibly feel the need to include a 9 minute anal rape scene anyways? What did it bring to the movie? I've never seen it, or heard of it even.

To me, it sounds like gratuitous awful stuff just for the sake of being awful. At 9 minutes, it does anyways.

I understand the use of things such as that in particular movies (American History X) but 9 minutes does seem a little attention seeking.

The Evil Dead series is kind of gory...
If you're looking for awesome and gruesome fight scenes, Western movies don't cut it compared to the Japanese movies. Look for Japanese movies, things like Ichi The Killer is extremely gruesome, don't think it really has fight scenes in it though.
Switchblade romance and The Football Factory are both awesome films and pretty violent/gory
A Belgian indy flick called, "Man Bites Dog" has a few of the most disturbing scenes in film history, although they're not fight scenes I suppose. Check it here:

Check it Here

In one scene, the main character kills a small child by suffocating him with a pillow, and another scene depicts the main character and the documentary film crew taking turns raping a woman while they make her husband watch, and then it cuts to a later time, showing the entire crew and the main character passed out drunk next to both the woman and her husband...disembowled.

Don't let these scenes scare you away though, it's a great film, and especially good if you want to study how to create a film on basically zero budget.

I disagree about Ichi the Killer. I had heard so much about it before viewing it, but I left disappointed. I have the unrated version mind you. I'd say the grossest scene is where Kakihara cuts off his tongue, but other than that, nothing I havn't seen before.
These all look pretty gorry. I ment mainly fighting. And I found the perfect movie. I have seen it like 5 times and completely forgot about it. "Battle Royale" It's a japanese movie...It is one of the best movies I have ever seen. But I will check out these other ones you all mentioned.
What about Kill Bill and Kill Bill 2? they may not of been very good movies but the actions scenes were definately gory.
Bohonkie said:
A Belgian indy flick called, "Man Bites Dog" has a few of the most disturbing scenes in film history, although they're not fight scenes I suppose. Check it here:

Check it Here

In one scene, the main character kills a small child by suffocating him with a pillow, and another scene depicts the main character and the documentary film crew taking turns raping a woman while they make her husband watch, and then it cuts to a later time, showing the entire crew and the main character passed out drunk next to both the woman and her husband...disembowled.

Don't let these scenes scare you away though, it's a great film, and especially good if you want to study how to create a film on basically zero budget.

I disagree about Ichi the Killer. I had heard so much about it before viewing it, but I left disappointed. I have the unrated version mind you. I'd say the grossest scene is where Kakihara cuts off his tongue, but other than that, nothing I havn't seen before.
I LOVE Man Bites Dog, it's a cinema masterpiece, its really one of the greatest films ever, the premise is just so cool, and it follows through perfectly
Eh, nothing in Ichi was anything too bad at all, sure made a couple of my friends sick, though

MarcoPollo said:
These all look pretty gorry. I ment mainly fighting. And I found the perfect movie. I have seen it like 5 times and completely forgot about it. "Battle Royale" It's a japanese movie...It is one of the best movies I have ever seen. But I will check out these other ones you all mentioned.
Battle Royale's great, but hardly gory, and while the movie is excellent, the book is even better, it really drives home the fact that its kids killing kids and why its happening, so, watch the movie, then read the book, you won;t be disappointed
Razor said:
What about Kill Bill and Kill Bill 2? they may not of been very good movies but the actions scenes were definately gory.
They were awesome films, especially number 2 :/
Bohonkie said:
Are you sure about 21 grams? I own the film, and there's no rape sequence at all. I'm pretty sure you're thinking of Irréversible, which ironically, features a 9 minute anal rape scene.
Ah yes, sorry about that mix-up :P, both movies came out at the same time and the movie poster has the same reddish tinge.
This movie used no wires, no CGI, it's all human power. The star is a gymnast and martial artist, that's why he can pull off some of the stunts. It's pretty brutal. It's not gory, but it's really violent considering the guy has no weapons.
Reservoir dogs
Pulp fiction, for your gore

house of flying daggers
and pretty much any jet lee, jackie chan or bruce lee film for your fights