Awesome HL2 grenade skill video

I was expecting some gravity gun use, but damn that takes alot of skill. the last one is unbelievable.
Not really...hes the hell else would he throw a grenade to the right, look to the left and the grenade magically flies into his victim...very obvious during the sniper bits and the crane kill...
Err...not at all...the explosion of the nade is causing it to fly over to the soldier. You couldn't "hack" that anyway. :LOL:
So he drops one at his feet, throws another across a dock and the explosion from the first one shoots it in the opposite direction it would if it could? Riiiight.
So he drops one at his feet, throws another across a dock and the explosion from the first one shoots it in the opposite direction it would if it could? Riiiight.

What? Are you talking about the last one? He threw one at the ground, waited a second for it to cook, then threw another, timing it so that its just past the first, which then launches it even further. It may be hard to do, but it isnt hard to understand how he did it.
dude....thats 100% pure talent
your opinion=EPIC ****ING FAIL
So he drops one at his feet, throws another across a dock and the explosion from the first one shoots it in the opposite direction it would if it could? Riiiight.

That guy's awesome and you're just jealous.
I never used grenades much... They always roll away from the landing spot to, say, 500 yards away.

Or did I somehow throw it the wrong way all these years?
Wow, that's some skill. I was always rubbish with the nades. Props to him.

And lol at ridge. "HE'S HACKING..." Ridge must play CS :p
So he drops one at his feet, throws another across a dock and the explosion from the first one shoots it in the opposite direction it would if it could? Riiiight.

Uhh, yeah, basically.

Pretty interesting!
thats skill,but most of what was done is incredibley easy,the only really hard ones were with the hunter-chopper and the last one at the crane
no such physics "hacks" exist. it was pure skill and probably hundreds of attempts until he got it right.
Why does everyone always ****ing bitch about video music. Was it screamo? No, it wasn't, so stfu.
Music was fine for a general gaming video, better than ridiculously loud metal.

I thought the hopper kills with the grav gun and shotgun punting a detonating hopper were absolutely ingenious (in the Episode 1 video). I'm going to have to try that...
I make hopper + shotgun kill in EP1 by accident. I found out its very fun but hard to be good done...
Nice vids but bad music...

Why does everyone always ****ing bitch about video music. Was it screamo? No, it wasn't, so stfu.

Music was fine for a general gaming video, better than ridiculously loud metal.

I thought the hopper kills with the grav gun and shotgun punting a detonating hopper were absolutely ingenious (in the Episode 1 video). I'm going to have to try that...

Yeah, it was shitty music, but that's what volume knobs and mute buttons are for...
i shat a birck when he did the multi-nade trick when it went right into the window, now that was awazing!!!!!!!
@2:50 & 3:26 - Holy. Shit. That guy sure does love to blow things up. Let's give his video some 5 stars, huh?
This is why the HL series needs a harder difficulty.

awesome vids btw.