Awesome new Turok video

Awsome, Turok 64 was the first FPS I played and this looks like it will be as good as it was back then, maybe even better than Turok 2 :O
Thank you for this. This looks very promising!
Yay it's comming for 360.
Looks pretty cool tbh. I hope it's like the original Turok. That game kicked so much ass.
Wow. Turok, that brings a lot of good childhood memories. I remember creaming my prepubescent pants at that game. Thanks for the vid.
The AI seems dumb in the middle when he's firing at them. They don't even hear him, then one turns towards him and and stares at him.
Turok - Awesome.

Turok 2 - Awesome but frustratingly hard at times. (Totem defence anyone?)

Turok 3 - OK at best. Nice to have two characters, but a little shallow and lacklustre at times.

Turok Evolution - Sucked big time. Ugh, it was horrible.

God I hope tha this new Turok restores the series. Apart from Rage Wars (which I particularly liked), it has been declining rapidly.
wtf he has like a radio headset and shit.

turok is like an indian or some shit
Looks pretty damn fine. They seem to be rebooting the franchise (according to wikipedia at least), the bloke we're playing isn't the Turok, as in, he doesn't carry the title of Dinosaur Hunter and wanders the Lost Land kicking ass, but is in fact some bloke we've never met. Watching that preview, they seem to have nailed all the things that make Turok great. Namely, the dinosaurs, the jungle environment, and the bewildering variety of weaponry which kill people in a needlessly complex but hilariously graphic way. I still have fond memories of the cereberal bore from Turok 2, a sentiment that I'm sure is shared by many of you.

I also really liked the quick jump to 3rd person they make for particularly satisfying kills. Just hacking and stabbing at a Utahrapter probably would not be fun, but pressing the attack button and then watching a ten-second hectic brawl of kewl stabbity action looks pretty damn appealing.
wtf he has like a radio headset and shit.

turok is like an indian or some shit

According to a preview I read awhile back you play a soldier who has crash landed with a unit of other marines (read: badasses) whilst on a mission to kill some terrorist organization taking refuge on this planet. Or something.

Sounds cool, albiet generic. I don't care though; Turok was always about the needless amount of gore; huge, ****-off weapons and people getting eaten. :E
IIRC There is no one Turok. "Turok" is just a title that is passed from individual to individual. You're not the same character in each game.

So either he's the latest addition or it's a complete reboot. Either way, it's a fresh entry. I do hope they keep some connections to the story that set in motion in Turok 2 and 3. Maybe even a reference to the Campaigner. But the whole franchise has never felt like it's had a cohesive narrative any way, so whatever.