AWESOME NIGHT - plus floods and shit


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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Those bastards in the college sci-fi society were showing Metropolis. I have never wanted to go to a single sci-fi society event because they usually show things things like Independence Day and random anime films and I've wanted to see Metropolis for years. But I couldn't go because the college gaming society were having a LAN night and I got my first taste of L4D2. Great fun. Spitter is great fun and I love the Jockey. Playing Dark Carnavel in the motel my mate boomered three of the survivours and I jumped the last one and brought him on a sight-seeing tour of the motel while all his friends were too blind to do anything. Playing infected is way better now. After that we moved onto TF2 and I dominated as Soldier and did some pretty good medicing too.

So after that broke up we were informed that the city is flooded to ****. It's not really suprising seeing as the rain we've been getting lately. But the road back to our apartment is one of the most floodable areas in the city (thankfully the place itself is on a big hill so it's safe). A fireman tells me they're using boats to get around over there. So I can't get home and neither can my two flatmates and my girlfiend. So now two of my flatmates are at one of their parents' house, the remaining one is stranded in our apartment whith two friends whose place is flooded and I'm currently on my girlfriend's couch drinking beer and typing this rambling story.

Cool story bro

now post some pics of your girlfriend
You passed on Metropolis for L4D2? What are you doing with your life?
my second boyfriend lived in a shared house with university students as he had moved out of his home when he was 16. when we first got together it was quite nice and normal but when we started hanging out extensively and did things like just hang around his place all day he would do things like put on an entire series of angel all day and just sit there watching it even if i asked if we could go outside and he'd be like "no this is better" or if i asked if we could watch buffy because it's better and he would say that he didn't like sarah michelle gellar because she reminded him of an ex-girlfriend (which i didn't believe because hahaha). i also noticed how he didn't like to be spooned on any way because he was really ticklish all over like he physically couldn't stop squirming and laughing if i put my hand on his belly or chest. he told me about how he got a girl pregnant once and how he had planned to be a father but she had a miscarriage and i kind of laughed inappropriately because i didn't know how to react and then he burst out laughing too like it was actually something really funny. then i said i couldn't imagine him having sex with a girl and he said he would do it for me if i wanted and that i could stand by and watch but i said no and i wish i hadn't now.

i then met his best friend on the night of wrestlemania (dunno which one) who was this homely looking girl where whenever he left the room would tell me about how she found a video on his phone of him jacking off and then he found her looking at it and then they sat down and watched it together. so then the three of us walked to her house which was no ****ing joke a 3 hour walk away just to watch wrestlemania and so i lay with him on the sofa under a duvet and she was on the other sofa and he just started jacking off under the duvet thinking she wouldn't notice except when he came he moaned and she clearly knew what was going on. that was about the time i decided it was not for me so i made him order a taxi back to his so i could pick up my stuff and go and the cost came to like $90 and i made him pay it and then i turned off my phone and changed my email address so he could never contact me again lol owned.
These cool stories brought to you by Bro, Inc.

Also fuck you Angel is a better show than Buffy.
You passed on Metropolis for L4D2? What are you doing with your life?

QFT... L4D2 is gonna be around forever, but how often do you get to see Metropolis on the big screen? Unless of course it was the Metropolis anime, then yeah, I would've passed too.
yeah, it was enjoyable, but Id still skip seeing it to play some L4D with friends.
You passed on Metropolis for L4D2? What are you doing with your life?
Five days a week I have no internet of any kind except for college, and I can only use that for browsing. On the weekends I have dial-up. LAN nights like this are a big deal for me.
my second boyfriend lived in a shared house with university students as he had moved out of his home when he was 16. when we first got together it was quite nice and normal but when we started hanging out extensively and did things like just hang around his place all day he would do things like put on an entire series of angel all day and just sit there watching it even if i asked if we could go outside and he'd be like "no this is better" or if i asked if we could watch buffy because it's better and he would say that he didn't like sarah michelle gellar because she reminded him of an ex-girlfriend (which i didn't believe because hahaha). i also noticed how he didn't like to be spooned on any way because he was really ticklish all over like he physically couldn't stop squirming and laughing if i put my hand on his belly or chest. he told me about how he got a girl pregnant once and how he had planned to be a father but she had a miscarriage and i kind of laughed inappropriately because i didn't know how to react and then he burst out laughing too like it was actually something really funny. then i said i couldn't imagine him having sex with a girl and he said he would do it for me if i wanted and that i could stand by and watch but i said no and i wish i hadn't now.

i then met his best friend on the night of wrestlemania (dunno which one) who was this homely looking girl where whenever he left the room would tell me about how she found a video on his phone of him jacking off and then he found her looking at it and then they sat down and watched it together. so then the three of us walked to her house which was no ****ing joke a 3 hour walk away just to watch wrestlemania and so i lay with him on the sofa under a duvet and she was on the other sofa and he just started jacking off under the duvet thinking she wouldn't notice except when he came he moaned and she clearly knew what was going on. that was about the time i decided it was not for me so i made him order a taxi back to his so i could pick up my stuff and go and the cost came to like $90 and i made him pay it and then i turned off my phone and changed my email address so he could never contact me again lol owned.

That's... good to know.
Spent a good two hours checking out the damage to the city. Pretty bad in places.

My college is closed for all of next week to deal with the flooding, you see this building here:

That's the gallery on the college campus. The water was up to about where the shadow hits the leftmost column, halfway up the steps. Now, you see those glass windows along the ground? That's a café. I'd hate to see the state of it when the water clears.

This is the intersection of three of the busiest streets in town:

This is further down one of those streets: