Awesome round-up of why Halo 2 will kick so much ass.

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Why is there all of a sudden "I love Halo 2 !!!!111!!!" threads coming up ?
H2 is just a blatent game, combining ORIGINAL (Shock !!) ideas from other FPS's, just so it can sell.
Also, It ain't coming out for a while and Doom 3 is coming out sooner .......

However, the battle rifle isn't fully automatic anymore. When you're zoomed in, you can only fire one round at time

Hold on, this is like the Splinter Cell rifle ......

Now, however, you can lock on to a moving vehicle, and your fired rocket will follow your enemy until the point of impact. In order to lock on, you must be zoomed in, and the reticle must be red.

The Rocket Launcher from Unreal Tournament 2004 ......

The first new weapon that we got a chance to see was the submachine gun that the Master Chief was sporting in the E3 2003 single player demo. You might remember that at one point he was holding two of them, either choosing to alternate fire between the two, or just laying on the triggers and spraying everywhere. While the submachine gun isn't terribly powerful, two of them can put your enemy in a world of hurt.

Hold on, this is like the "duel" assault rifles from Unreal Tournament 2004 AGAIN !

Perhaps the new weapon that everyone is most jazzed for isn't really new at all. If you've played the first Halo, you'll remember the invisible Covenant Elites that would only be detectable by the plasma sword they carried.

The Dragon's Tooth sword from Deus Ex (And DX:IW) as well .....

See ...... ? :hmph:
Wow, amazing features! I mean dual-wielding, isn't it amazing?! It's not just amazing, it's revolutionary!

Jesus, I swear, X-box fans are the real lunatics, they overhype every title that comes out on that console.
D: no need to flame.. but online shooting on this scale (VIA CONSOLE) hasent been seen like this ): jesus some of you guys need to get out more and stop beating everyone up for every little thing. I happened to very much enjoy Halo's multiplayer excuse me for having fun with teh friends who cant afford pc hardware :burp:
D: no need to flame.. but online shooting on this scale (VIA CONSOLE) hasent been seen like this ):

No,no,no, you read what I say wrong. Halo, in no way is REVOLUTIONARY, or worth the hype it is. It openly steals original ideas from other FPS's, and sells them as it's own.

What is wrong with X-Box people ?
1) Sure, Master Chief is a cool character, but he is not the best one EVER created !
2) Duel Weilding weapons has been done before (UT2004) and is rather boring !
3) Sniping with a Automatic Assault Rifle has been done before in Splinter Cell !
4) Vehicles have been done before in Far Cry, with Great Success in my opinion !
5) Sure, stealing vehicles sounds cool, until you play GTA:VC !

And yes it has been done better. Play Socom 2 (on PS2). It's fair and fun !
Basically, Halo 2 will NEVER be the end of Fps's. It is only a mix of original ideas stolen from OTHER games.
I haven't even been driven enough to play through the single player game (I don't own it.) I will admit, I enjoy the multiplayer, but I don't know what makes people think that the game is so, "revolutionary" and "heart-stopping" :dozey: What are they really bringing to the table? They combine a lot of nice features, but it isn't like they are master creators, whose ideas are nothing less than gold :rolleyes:
Man, I'm with you BabyHead. I'm so extremely excited for this game. Halo had just about the most highly tuned combat I've ever seen in ANY FPShooter, console or PC. With an improved, less repetitive singleplayer game and Xbox 2 is just gonna be awesome. I'd say that this is probably my second most anticipated game right there after Half-Life 2.
I would go as far as to say Halo 2 is more anticipated. When I talk to friends, they have all heard of Halo 2, but I have to educate them on HL2 (well, really just sit them in front of the videos, and watch them get excited :p)
Notice that HL2 and Doom 3 are quoted as "Next-Gen Games", while Halo 2 is a "Brilliant" game. When HL2/D3 comes out, H2 will pale in comparesin
I didint like halo, and when I look at the videos for Halo 2 I see the same game..
:x I.....I......I cant stand halo and its shit gameplay, what is so good about it, ive tried on more than several occasions to try play this game..its quite good..... then the second level starts and its just different textures, same repetative gameplay till the end of the game. I had this game first on Xbox (sold) but at the same time i had a PS2 (still do:p ) with Timesplitters and Timesplitters was far superior to Halo in anyway, shape or form. Then i bought it on PC while i had no internet connection, played it for a few levels and i havent seen the box since (1 year ago~)
^^ I've stopped trying defend Halo on this particular board because I'm in the overwhelming minority in liking it. You said everything about Timesplitters was better than Halo. Call me crazy, but I thought the story in Halo was a little bit better than Timesplitters.

C'mon guys. If Halo was REALLY as shitty as everyone here claims, it just would not have gotten the acclaim that it got. Simple as that. When it comes to Halo and HL2.NET there is a pretty bad fanboyism epidemic going on.
Remember, Half-Life wasn't very original either. It just took all the good ideas from the fps genre and presented them incredibly, painfully well. The only really new idea or feature was the constant 1st-person perspective.

Of course, now everybody does it and a game that tries to follow the same pattern (H2) will not have the same effect.
DarkStar said:
^^ I've stopped trying defend Halo on this particular board because I'm in the overwhelming minority in liking it. You said everything about Timesplitters was better than Halo. Call me crazy, but I thought the story in Halo was a little bit better than Timesplitters.

C'mon guys. If Halo was REALLY as shitty as everyone here claims, it just would not have gotten the acclaim that it got. Simple as that. When it comes to Halo and HL2.NET there is a pretty bad fanboyism epidemic going on.

Amen man, I think some people here need to realize that Halo isint ALL hype it actually is a good game, especially for multiplayer which is why I am so hyped for Halo 2.
Alright yeah, i admit Halo has a better story than Timesplitters1 (dont know about TS2, i cant use PS2 controls now, so i cant complete it or get very far) but if you played timesplitters with 4 people linked up its alot of fun..afterall it was made by the people that made Goldeneye.

Oh i dont think Halo is a hype only game, maybe it is good but i just cant find anything good about it myself that has'nt already been done lots of times...
One of the new features is barrels............THAT EXPLODE WHEN SHOT!!!

Mechagodzilla said:
One of the new features is barrels............THAT EXPLODE WHEN SHOT!!!

OMG im soo buying an X-box to get this game now.
Neo_Kuja said:
Why is there all of a sudden "I love Halo 2 !!!!111!!!" threads coming up ?
H2 is just a blatent game, combining ORIGINAL (Shock !!) ideas from other FPS's, just so it can sell.
Also, It ain't coming out for a while and Doom 3 is coming out sooner .......

Hold on, this is like the Splinter Cell rifle ......

The Rocket Launcher from Unreal Tournament 2004 ......

Hold on, this is like the "duel" assault rifles from Unreal Tournament 2004 AGAIN !

The Dragon's Tooth sword from Deus Ex (And DX:IW) as well .....

See ...... ? :hmph:

If you think it's so unoriginal -

Don't post damnit! no one asked your opinions anyway.
:hmph: I'm not a big Halo fan. I enjoy multiplayer to a certain extent, single player, what about single player? What was so good about Halo? I almost didn't finish the game due to the repeatativeness that it had it also didn't have anything spectacular in my opinion. Well, only thing that I like to tell you the truth was the flashlight that's about it.
Halo Sucked, im sure Halo2 will suck also.

Half Life 2 will definitely pwn Halo2, graphically, gameplay wise, and anything wise.
Neo_Kuja said:
2) Duel Weilding weapons has been done before (UT2004) and is rather boring !
hell, even goldeneye had duel wielding :p

im not saying halo2's gonna suck, but theres games out there that are so much better from what i've seen. if h2 came out on the pc i'de buy it, but there's no way i'de buy an x-box for it :frown:

van halen - ain't talkin' 'bout love
What's all that fuss about dual wielding? You'll be able to use two weapons. So the f*ck what?

I don't know. But in last years H2 shaky cam video when he pulled out the dual guns every started cheering and stuff. At the time it seemed cool....

I guess it's like when you go to the first screening of Star Wars and there's always a select group of guys who cheer when the Star Wars text bursts onto the screen.
I still say FPS was born on the pc and should stay on the pc....
Everyone who's bashing how Halo 2 is so unoriginal, look at it THIS way. No matter how original a game's ideas and mechanics are, no matter how revolutionary the gameplay style is, no matter how good-looking the game is... If it's not FUN to play, it sucks. Simple as that.

Halo didn't bring many new things to the table. What it DID bring was an incredibly well-balanced game that was a hell of a lot of fun to play. You can keep saying "Ooh, aliens attack? That's not original!" or "Pfft, the vehicles are just standard!" all you want, but in the end it's fun that makes a game good.

Think of how many games there are out there that tried something new, that tried to combine original ideas into a genre, and failed MISERABLY. You may say "Good for them, they tried something new and made other people think about that feature," but was the game good? No. Was it fun? Probably not.

So in the end, it really doesn't matter how original a game is to its predecessors. As long as it's not a replica of a previously-released game, but most importantly FUN, then it's a good game. Halo 2 is bringing a HUGE amount of new features over the original, and though they may not be that original, there's a damn good chance they'll be FUN additions.
Intel17 said:
Halo Sucked, im sure Halo2 will suck also.

Half Life 2 will definitely pwn Halo2, graphically, gameplay wise, and anything wise.

Ya it will suck, happy :sleep: . Don't weep when some site like IGN/Gamespy who have a heavy Halo 2 bias give it a GOTY award.

stigmata said:
Everyone who's bashing how Halo 2 is so unoriginal, look at it THIS way. No matter how original a game's ideas and mechanics are, no matter how revolutionary the gameplay style is, no matter how good-looking the game is... If it's not FUN to play, it sucks. Simple as that.

Halo didn't bring many new things to the table. What it DID bring was an incredibly well-balanced game that was a hell of a lot of fun to play. You can keep saying "Ooh, aliens attack? That's not original!" or "Pfft, the vehicles are just standard!" all you want, but in the end it's fun that makes a game good.

Think of how many games there are out there that tried something new, that tried to combine original ideas into a genre, and failed MISERABLY. You may say "Good for them, they tried something new and made other people think about that feature," but was the game good? No. Was it fun? Probably not.

So in the end, it really doesn't matter how original a game is to its predecessors. As long as it's not a replica of a previously-released game, but most importantly FUN, then it's a good game. Halo 2 is bringing a HUGE amount of new features over the original, and though they may not be that original, there's a damn good chance they'll be FUN additions.

I feel ya. Some guys won't get it over there head that THERE CAN BE a game other than HL2 to look forward too.

Sorry I have to say this, but people just don't see it this way that it is a FUN game, and a video game is supposed to be FUN, no matter even if it's a rehash, FUN is the main factor.
I fully agree Stigmata. Who gives a crap whether it's unoriginal or not? Is it fun to play? Good, it's worth buying. Unoriginality does not equal crap. I wish people would start basing games on how fun they are, not how revolutionary the graphics engine is, or how original a weapon is.
I'm looking forward to Halo 2 every bit as much as HL2 - mainly for co-op of and multiplayer.

Some people belittle Halo 2's 'original features'. Which is fair enough, most of them are not new concepts and certainly won't revolutionise the genre. However, features mean nothing if they aren't implementred well - and that's what Halo (and hopefully its sequal) does very well.

The comparisons to UT2004 are obvious, but so are the differences. Halo is a far more tactical game, UT being more of a run and gun, twitch experience. Halo's weapons feel chunky and powerful, imo UT's feel like toy guns. Halo's vehicles have 'weight' to them and, when using an analogue stick, are very satisfying to control. Using a keyboard *ergh* to control UT2004's vehicles simply can't compare (except to the blindest of fanboy) Of course, they're many great things about UT2004 - whether they appeal depends soley on what type of game floats your boat.

Halo's single player also offers a considerable challenge - something very rare in pc games (which is a shame)

Little compares to a 4 v 4 Halo (xbox) lan party - games like CoD, bf1942, UT suddenly feel very shallow, mindless and chaotic in comparison (of course this is just imo ;) )
Neo_Kuja said:
No,no,no, you read what I say wrong. Halo, in no way is REVOLUTIONARY, or worth the hype it is. It openly steals original ideas from other FPS's, and sells them as it's own.

What is wrong with X-Box people ?
1) Sure, Master Chief is a cool character, but he is not the best one EVER created !
2) Duel Weilding weapons has been done before (UT2004) and is rather boring !
3) Sniping with a Automatic Assault Rifle has been done before in Splinter Cell !
4) Vehicles have been done before in Far Cry, with Great Success in my opinion !
5) Sure, stealing vehicles sounds cool, until you play GTA:VC !

And yes it has been done better. Play Socom 2 (on PS2). It's fair and fun !
Basically, Halo 2 will NEVER be the end of Fps's. It is only a mix of original ideas stolen from OTHER games.

Are you dumb? All those ideas have been there even before the games you named. Theres no such thing as stolen ideas when making games. From what your saying ALL fps games are copying Wolfenstein and ID. (The 1st First Person Shooter ever) Whatever i dont feel like even arguing about this, wasting my time.
Neo_Kuja said:
1) Sure, Master Chief is a cool character, but he is not the best one EVER created !
2) Duel Weilding weapons has been done before (UT2004) and is rather boring !
3) Sniping with a Automatic Assault Rifle has been done before in Splinter Cell !
4) Vehicles have been done before in Far Cry, with Great Success in my opinion !
5) Sure, stealing vehicles sounds cool, until you play GTA:VC !

And yes it has been done better. Play Socom 2 (on PS2). It's fair and fun !
Basically, Halo 2 will NEVER be the end of Fps's. It is only a mix of original ideas stolen from OTHER games.

1) I agree.
2) Does that matter? Other titles had duel weapons before UT2004, and did them better. I believe Halo 2 will do the same.
3) Who cares? - it's a neat feature.
4) Sure, but the vehicles suck compared to Halo.
5) Completely different game and not a fair comparison. Also, see 3.

All games borrow from others. Originality means very little if the experience isn't satisfying - and that's why people like Halo, it does combat 'better'. Stealing features is one thing, combining them and getting the balance right is another - and far more important imo.

As for Socom - you have got to be joking, seriously. You are very alone in this view.
Halo's that simple.Halo 2 on the other hand might be diffrent....we will have to see.
Tr0n said:
Halo's that simple.Halo 2 on the other hand might be diffrent....we will have to see.

blah blah blah blah this game sux blah blah blah blah
Mr.Reak said:
Wow, amazing features! I mean dual-wielding, isn't it amazing?! It's not just amazing, it's revolutionary!

Jesus, I swear, X-box fans are the real lunatics, they overhype every title that comes out on that console.
If you knew anything about it, you would agree it is revolutionary, no game has done it before to my knowledge.
Mr-Fusion said:

I don't know. But in last years H2 shaky cam video when he pulled out the dual guns every started cheering and stuff. At the time it seemed cool....

I guess it's like when you go to the first screening of Star Wars and there's always a select group of guys who cheer when the Star Wars text bursts onto the screen.
The reason everyone cheered is because dual weilding was cut from the first game.
Dosent look paticulary intresting :|

If they sorted out the problems from the first game like copy and paste levels to bulk out the game then maybe i'll check it out.
**** me, you guys are so incredibly childish? Can`t you just accept and be happy that we are getting all these great games? Sure, they are different. They all have their strenghts and weaknesses. Still, the devs are shooting for the same market, hence, there`s competition. Pluss, since these titles are so well acknowledged they can`t just be forced out the door (all three games, hl2, h2, doom 3, have been delayed, and for good reasons). Instead, the devs have to rely on quality since fans are merciless. This makes the competition a healthy thing, making sure the game(s) you buy are worth your hard earned money.
Foxtrot said:
If you knew anything about it, you would agree it is revolutionary, no game has done it before to my knowledge.

Of course games have done dual weilding before. GoldenEye and Unreal Tournament are both prime examples of this.
all i will say is... when will people learn that a game can be ****ing class without being completely origonal and having no old ideas? Halo 2 is doing things done by other games... but far better.

sigh, ill just quote myself:

in UT2k4... the rifle is CRAP, and dual rifles is still poor. plus it is done SHIT. great game, but i have never actually dual weilded the rifles for one reason... i would rather actually get kills. plus theres no recoil... and its only with ONE TYPE OF GUN!!! no twin rocket launchers, or having a minigun and laser rifle!!

And in far cry, whats the point in veichles if you just use them in a crappy isleand? you cant do anyhting decent, just drive around, occasionally riding over a troop now and again. Sure, the veichles are great, but there are no oppertunities to actually have fun with them other than the first 2 minutes, then its just boring.

and FFVII has a great story... if not the BEST story ever to grace the playstation screen... but the only time i actually felt like i was doing something worthwhile (e.g. saving the world) was the last boss. dont get me wrong- FFVII felt ****ING AMAZING when killing sephorioth, but halo2 will be better.

and Deus ex's energy weapon was a one hit kill that just felt like some sort of metal pole. it had no feel to it, you just went up behind people and hit them over the head and they died. sure it was powerful, but it was the lamest weapon EVER.

now to sum up how halo 2 will do this...

in halo2 you'll be able to narrowly escape from a battle, roll past an enemy, jump up behind him and charge up your energy weapon... then ZOOM, with one swift, powerful strike, the soldier will go flying through the air, off the covenant ship we are standing on.

Then DONK... a sound behind us... flicking to the assault rifle, we jump max payne style to the side, laying down fire at the forces which swiftly take cover. Landing smoothly we grab the enemies gun, and weild the covenant rifle alongside our own. running to the regrouping enemies, we blast some energy into an elite, then swiftly blow off his head with some rounds.

Realising we are outnumbered, we leap to a nearby warthog, and skreetch off far away. The covenant have soon grabbed their own veichles and are in hot persuit. As we glide over the smooth hulk of the covenent battleshp we are on, we see a chance of escape... adn taking it, we skid around in a 180 slide, then drive straight for a ramp, hitting it with one wheel... catapualting out veichle down to the hard ground below.

Halo2 will own.. i cant wait!

and just to say... i dont own an X-box :p
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