Awkward phases I've been through.


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
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When I was in middle school, I dyed my hair blonde. It was just a fun spur of the moment thing with my cousin. I was a little pudgy then and I had bleached hair. I got the nickname zombie. I always tried to own up to it though.

Sometime before that, I did a thing where I wore lots of fitted baseball caps and hemp necklaces. Nice try, Alby. I looked like a huge twerp! I was listening to a lot of Limp Bizkit. So yeah.

Once there was a sort of Dark Alby. I wore generally black shirts, black jeans or very baggy jeans. I listened to a lot of slow metal and let my hair grow long again. I don't even remember that stage well.

On and off before I matured to where I am I also frequented "wigger Alby" so hoodies, buzzed hair and pants that hung too low -- I even once wore a dew rag a few times. I did entirely too many drugs in that stage.

Current stage: ?? - back to basics: fit t-shirts and jeans. Don't go for much of an image anymore. Realized it wasn't my thing somewhere in the above stages.

Ya'll got some awkward stories like these?
I continue to rock the facial hair that earned me the nickname "evil Dave" from at least 2 friends, and I haven't cut my hair in about a year and a half now. My brother commented that my corduroys make me look homeless. So I guess right now is a pretty good awkward story :V
I still get the homeless thing a lot too. Maybe I just act like a homeless person. Also I don't cycle my jeans a lot. It's not dirty or anything, doesn't smell, I just tend to wear the same three pairs of jeans.
I wore t-shirts and khakis/shorts up until I started wearing t-shirts with a button up overshirt and jeans/shorts. Those are the only two clothing-bases phases I've had.
I went through a pretty awkward Buddhist phase. Note to valvetime: Buddhism will not get you laid.
If you tried to be Buddhist to get laid you obviously didn't know the first thing about Buddhism.
Clothing not so much... long sleeve shirts with a t-shirt over them and shorts has been my favorite thing to wear for the last 25 years. Pants are always dark blue cloth from the thrift store (no jeans... can't stand 'em). Actually, I did peg/roll the bottoms of my pants for several years, as that was the skater fashion in the '90s. I had a chain wallet for about a month too. I still have a black leather jacket with spikes and the like on it. In junior college, I let my hair go... long, down to my back, one side shaved, the other not, "here's some scissors, do your worst" (which would up looking like I was gnawed on by rats), dreads, whatever sounded like a hoot at the time... never really dyed it though.
Great shit, it's a really fun thing to share these sorts of experiences. I remember a phase when I wore all sorts of skater kid clothing and always rode a skateboard to school and wore shirts for bands like Screeching Weezel, The Dead Kenndy's and NOFX. I could olllie and boardslide and thought i was the next tony hawk.

People I've Been (.docx)
Pretty much always wore t-shirt and jeans. When I was younger I wore cargos. Back when you could actually buy good cargos, now you can't find good ones anywhere :(

Since the start of high school I've had my ears stretched a little, still do. Never going huge though, **** that shit. I'm at an 8 gauge now, if anyone here knows what I'm talking about.
Didn't have any big phases as such but from looking at family photos I have deduced that I had a pretty rocking mullet when I was about 10. Also there's this really awkward picture of me on the fridge at home pulling my best "please don't take my ****ing picture" face with blonde highlights and a bright orange shirt.
Clothing has never really changed for me, the only thing I can think of is that my hair used to be really short when I was younger. Then I realized it looked better as an afro, grew it out and never looked back. Maybe when I'm in my late 20s I'll keep it short again but for now it works.
If you tried to be Buddhist to get laid you obviously didn't know the first thing about Buddhism.
These jokes work better when some idiot doesn't think he has to explain them.
The hole you're digging was within you always.
I shot a man in Reno. Just to watch him die.

I'm happy that I never went through phases which required me to care about my appearance. If there's any good thing to say for my troubled development, it's that it was cheap.