Back when I used to drive tanks in the air force

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Jul 17, 2003
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one time they let us paint the tank red and I painted a big weiner on the turret I took a picture with my mouth by it then we went into russia and I got captured by stalin and met soddam hussein.
Something tells me you guys are lying but back when I was a Navy SEAL killing north Koreans I seem to remember seeing a tank with a weiner painted on so I can't be sure.
I think this is true..... and if it is you, Glirk Dient, also shot my F-15k down.

Damn you.
I was busy in 'nam so I wouldn't have known.

That's Cheltenam.
Well i was sitting on the Berlin Wall eating cheese... I think i saw a red tank roll thorough with the Russian spearhead attack.

Well yeah well.



You suck..
Oooh my grandfather once told me a story about how he had to supply 20 gallons of red tank paint to the airforce and he was confused :(
one time my dad let me drive the tank this was before it had the weiner on the turret this was during the gulf war and we fought Hitler and took the kremlin. I fought hitler with my sabre he sliced me but I cut his arm off then we took hitlers arm to our base.
Yeah and then Stalin stole it using SCALAR WAVES
and put it on formol and said it was his penis
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