Background for my mod


Aug 18, 2007
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I'm learning to mess with the Source engine a bit (putting my C++ classes to work), and I figured it might be a good idea to put my mods background out to see what this community thinks of it.

I'm not really recruiting for it right now, though anyone interested can get ahold of me, as it would speed up the pre-work phase.

Right so, I got tired of a good number of the single player mods using an "alternate time line" of Gordon Freeman, as I feel it lacks some creativity (not that I'm creative).


Setting: The mod takes place in what is currently Washington state. City 29 is located in former Olympia.

Time: Mod's gameplay begins about one week after the events of Episode One, so Breen is dead, C17 is gone, etc.

It always seemed to me that the HEV suit has origins in military applications. For some unknown reason, it seems they rejected the contract and went with the PCV instead. A number of HEV suits where given to the various branches for testing. The US Army out of Fort Lewis, WA was the last part to test them. The contract was rejected and the seven suits they had where mothballed.

Fifteen years into the Combine occupation, scouts from the resistance group called the "Western Guard" observed the small Combine garrison moving away from the heavily damaged Fort Lewis. It had been occupied for some time but Combine forces never explored much of the base, as it had taken heavy damage during the Seven Hour War. Capitalizing the Combine reallocation, Sean Lebergh, former Green Barret, Seven Hour War Veteran, and leader of the Western Guard sends some of his members into the Fort to scavenge. Few Combine items where left in the area, but further exploration into colapsed bits revealed an underground storage area. US Army weapons, munitions, equipment, and medical supplies where found and brought back to WG HQ, and distributed amongst the Guardsmen and their respective outposts.

The cream of the crop in that find, however, was the recovery of six intact HEV suits. Sean, having been the US Army's guinna pig for the suits testing, ordered them brought to HQ immediately. Over five years the more technically competent members of the WG pulled the seventh, heavily damaged suit apart. Stripping it down and putting it back together many times, a good amount of information was collected.

While they could not produce the suits, a good number of the parts where easily replacable and upgradable. With a little work the suits where brought online by replacing parts to allow them to interface with Combine power units.

Shortly before the events at City 17, Sean had several members of this resistance group sign up for the chance to train in the fully restored HEV suits.

The player plays as one of these chosen to crew the suits.

Gameplay: The game will be unline HL2. While in the same (awesome) universe, it takes place on another continent and is not a linear shooter. Instead, the player will be playing out the story in the form of "Missions". The typical structure of a mission includes a briefing of sorts, a chance to pick and choose weapons and equipment, a deployment, the execution of the mission, and a return to a point for extract. The game takes a more militant edge on the continuing struggle against our Combine oppressors. Missions may often include a squad of followers, and potentially some of the other HEV soldiers as well!

Weapons: (Always subject to change)
The game takes a slightly more realistic approach to weapons, and I hope to put ironsights in for many of them for more accurate range shooting. Not a whole load of weapons in the game, and I may end up cutting a few out (depends on what my team and I conclude). You will only be able to carry one large, one medium, and two or three small weapons at a time. Remember, this group salvaged weapons from storage in a US Army facility. S means small, M medium and L large.

Weapons under consideration:

*M9 Beretta - S
*Colt M1911 - S

*HK MP5 - M
*FN P90 - M
*M4 Carbine - M
*M4A1 Carbine - M

*Overwatch Standard Issue - L
*Combine Pulse Machine Gun - L
*M16A4 - L
*M40 - L
*M1014 - L
*M249 - L
*Crossbow - L

*M67 Fragmentation Grenade - S
*Combine Grenade - S
*AT4 - L
*SMAW (big maybe) - L

*Home-brew AT weapon
*Zip guns
*Home-brew grenades

*Combine Civil Protection
-M9 Pistol
-Civil Protection Vest
-Flare Gun

*Combine Scout (?)
-Overwatch Standard Issue

*Combine Overwatch
-Overwatch Standard Issue
-Combine Grenade
-Combine Overwatch Vest

*Combine Elite
-Overwatch Standard Issue
-Combine Grenade
-Energy Orb
-Combine Elite Vest

*Hunter Chopper
-Pulse Gun

*Hunter (?)
-Hunter Pulse Gun

-M4 Carbine

-Zip gun

-M67 Grenade/Homebrew Grenade

-M4 Carbine


*Elite Guardsman
-Overwatch Standard Issue
-Combine Overwatch Vest / Old PCV

About the Western Guard:
The Western Guard was founded by Sean Lebergh shortly after the Conclusion of the Seven Hour War. It's members consist mostly of Seven Hour War survivors, as well as members of the "Reconstructed Community" -- a well hidden town in the forrests of this area, existing mostly underground in dug-out tunnel systems. A majority of this community expends its resources producing weapons, suplies and ammunition mostly by hand. Food is grown, power is produced, and people live a life, though fear of Combine intervention is an every day reality. Ouside of the supression field, men and women can breed as normal in this zone.

The Western Guard operates a number of small outposts scattered around the RC. Surgical style attacks done by members of the WG do bring in some supplies, and are a thorn in the side of the local Combine leadership.

Combine constroled City 29 is a fair distance away, and little interaction between the WG and the City take place. There are, however, several Combine outposts in the region, as well as a few "Combine Towns" -- small towns existing before The War that reciently came under Combine re-occupation, and many "Citizens" dwell there, under the Grip of the Civil Protection teams. The purpose of these towns is as yet unknown.


So there, critique it and let me know what you think.
Really nice idea... Can't say how hard it would be - but i like the overall plot idea.
Less weapons if you ever want to release. Plan out each level around a set of weapons and try to make the level good for that type fo gameplay (e.g. crossbow = good sniper section, grenades for combine snipers, gravity gun for puzzley bits). Just try to come up with a smallish mix of weapons or duplicate existing weapons if you're desperate to have custom content. In this case you'll want a system that forces the player to swap weapons (i.e. swap a M9 Beretta for a Colt M1911), not just accumulate more and more or weapon selection will become too much of a chore. The fewer weapon types the more focus you can give to making the game work around them.
There does not seem to be an "edit" button; I've some changes to make...
Alright since it will not let me edit the original post, here are some weapon/ally changes:

*M9 Beretta - S
*Western Guard "Liberator" -- S

*HK MP5 - M
*Western Guard "Assassin" -- M (Automatic smg)

*Overwatch Standard Issue - L
*SPAS 12 -- M
*Combine Pulse Machine Gun - L
*Pipe Rifle -- L (Single shot rifle)
*Zip-Gun -- L (Automatic rifle)
*Crossbow -- L

*Western Guard "Fragmentor" -- S (Home-made grenade)
*Combine Grenade - S
*Western Guard "Disposor" -- L (One shot AT weapon)
*Western Guard "Destroyer" -- L (Reloadable AT weapon)


*Combine Civil Protection
-M9 Pistol, MP5 in high-risk sectors
-Civil Protection Vest
-Flare Gun

*Combine Scout (?)
-Overwatch Standard Issue

*Combine Overwatch
-Overwatch Standard Issue
-Combine Grenade
-Combine Overwatch Vest

*Combine Elite
-Overwatch Standard Issue
-Combine Grenade
-Energy Orb
-Combine Elite Vest

*Hunter Chopper
-Pulse Gun

*Hunter (?)
-Hunter Pulse Gun

--Pipe rifle

-Zip gun

-Zip gun/"Destroyer"
-M67 Grenade/Homebrew Grenade

-Zip gun


*Elite Guardsman
-Overwatch Standard Issue
-Combine Overwatch Vest / Old PCV

So there are a few changes there, mostly to reflect that after 20 years or so these guys instead didn't find any weapon at the base, only the HEV suits.