Backpacking Pictures


The Freeman
Aug 2, 2007
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So it was suggested in another thread I post the pictures I've got of the western US and I decided that I'd do that and show y'all the awesome places that are in Arizona/New Mexico.

First ones are NM, after that I'll tell you which are Northern Arizona. Credit for NM ones go to the camera men in my backpacking crew at the Double H ranch.

My dad did most of the camera shots on Arizona. I took a couple of the ones shown in both sets but I was in the presence of the photographers for all of these.

I'd have way more but I broke my leg before I could go to Philmont. These are the creme de la creme of all my pictures.


Wind mill that pumps water into a reservoir, that shits nasty.

Just a pic of scrub brush with mountains in the distance. Meh picture but I like it.

I love this one, those mountains in the far background are ~120 miles away to give you an idea of how far you can see from a even a low (~1800M/5000') mountaintop.

Didn't actually backpacking here, but it was across the road from the ranch I was hiking on.


Another meh picture but I liked it.


I love the way the road curves on this one. The composition of this is among my favorites.


OK you gotta admit that's a ****ing awesome Kodak moment of a picture with that kind of clouds above the windmill. I would have moved the wood but wasn't sure if we could.


This has a great contrast lighting with the sun just starting to rise to the left.


Another picture I just really liked.

Arizona Pics


Avalance Track, shows just how awesome the power of these things are. The trees you're looking at were about 30-60 feet in height.


Darker than I would have liked, but what can ya do with the north face of a mountaint hat isn't dark?


Some of the snow patches are multiple meters in depth and these were taken mid-July last year. This one is fun because you can see the tree line so easily and the avalance tracks on a wide shot for the scale of just how ****ing HUGE avalanches are.
I love the satellite photos. Aren't they famous for something?
Maestro, please remove the spoiler tags.

Beautiful photos by the way.

Do you have this one in full resolution you can send to me?


I want to make it my desktop background.
Yeah, photobucket resized 'em. Forgot they're not huge so I don't need to spoiler them.

It's too big to upload on the site so I need an email, Raziaar. Just PM it to me.

As you requested, Evo, I went through my folder again and pulled out the other things that are good. The best is at the top but this stuff is pretty good.







Those are wonderful. I've been camping and hiking out in the Southwest a lot, all over Utah, NM and Arizona, it's absolutely beautiful. Also canyons ftw.
OMG i wanna do backpacking now. I love exercise and I really need some badly
windmill is my favourite, good job
If anyone wants backgrounds I'll send them to your email.

Also, Evo. I need your email to send the picture so just PM it to me and I can send it.
The Arizona trip was immediately prior to the NM one, I went with a friend and my dad to acclimate to high altitudes so I wouldn't perform poorly on the main one where most of the posted pictures are from.

The NM trip was a 7-day hike of ~50 miles. It was a little too slow but you can't navigate fast when there aren't any trails. :| I broke my leg about a month prior to Philmont so I didn't get to go, meaning I have no pictures. I could get them from one of the people that went, though. I'll see about doing that this weekend.
Wow, some of those are pretty spectacular. Thanks for sharing.

This looks quite similar to the kind of moorland terrain we have around here:


What do you reckon?


Same sort of barren-ness about it, although your place looks slightly more hospitable...
I'd choose Rattlers over Dartmoor drizzle anyday :)

Great pictures.