Bad Company worth a buy?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
I haven't bought a new game since GTA4, and before that it was Bioshock (when it was released, seriously), and I think it's about time, but I'm having trouble deciding what game to buy.

I've been looking at Bad Company for the 360. I love the BF games, but I've never had one on a console. I also don't have XBOX Live yet (dial-up), but within July of some time I'll be getting XBL (and faster internet), so I won't be able to play live right away, but I will eventually.

Is Bad Company worth a $65 price tag?
I was just about to say just try the demo out but interwebs. (facepalm)

If the singleplayer is going to be as good as its hyped up to be then I would say why not. And since you're going to be getting Live then I think it would be a good use of the 65 bucks, as long as there's no other game really peaking your interest.
I've only heard good things about it from my brother, especially the single player demo level. Which is surprising as I wasn't expecting much from it.
wasn't all that impressed by the demo
nothing special IMO
I agree with B_MAN, singleplayer was nothing special and infact felt average if you looked past the partially destructible environment. Multiplayer seems to be BF2 with some changes to classes etc and destructible environments, and limited to 16p.
I would say it is worth the cash. But my only issue is they have seemed to reduce the quantitiy of multi-player to pack in a single player. From what I have heard there are 8 multi-player maps but then again I would be surprised if they didnt release more in DLC packs.

Online the gameplay is great fun, the scale of the maps is good and you never go long without getting in a fight. The dynamic sound really makes the battles feel epic and really add to the immersion. (I have ducked a few times in real life trying to hid from tank shells)

I'm personly not to intrested in the single player but I have played what was on the demo, it all seemed solid enough to me and the weapons are a pleasure to fire. The game is full of humor, your squad seem damn cool and the sound track is full of old skool rock and roll.

I'll of course play the single player but I'm really in it for the multi-
Stormy, is that an ISSUE for you? DICE said from the beginning the goal of BFBC was to make their first true Battlefield game that's focused on singleplayer..
I can't say I have payed any attention to hype or news with the game other then watching some of the frostbite engine videos so I didn't know their intentions. It's not a big issue but in my opinion it is generaly the multi-player that makes good value for money in games and makes them last a hell of a lot longer then single player alone.

But from what I have seen the single player looks solid and the multi-player is damn good so it dosnt really matter. But at the end of the day I haven't seen all the multi player maps, if all 8 are of a really high standard then it will be great but if there are only 2 good maps and 6 not up to scratch then it will be annoying.
I liked single player demo alot, funny characters and it looks like an interesting story, but I suspect it's going to be on a short side. I have GTA4 for now and I'm yet to play mass effect so I'll probably buy Bad Company when it's cheaper.
I'd wait for reviews(which will no doubt all be biased and/or paid off by EA) or until the price tag goes waaaaaaay the **** down.
I don't understand why so many people are saying it looks shit? Seems people have seen something I havn't or are playing a totaly different game.

The multiplayer is just the same as bf2 but nicer graphics and sound.
I don't understand why so many people are saying it looks shit? Seems people have seen something I havn't or are playing a totaly different game.

The multiplayer is just the same as bf2 but nicer graphics and sound.

Or it's just their opinion ? :P
Well of course its opinion but I would like to hear some people back it up with why they think its shit rather then just "EEEEMG ITS SHIT".
Demo sucks. I'll tell you something, for being a console exclusive it really feels like a port. How come some companies can make aiming feel right on a controller (Infinity Ward) and everything else is either shitty auto-aim or touchy-as-f*ck-wait-right-there-while-I-strafe-to-the-left-a-little-no-damnit-don't-move-while-I'm-aiming-at-you-f*ckit-I'll-use-the-grenade-launcher bullshit?
Ok, so I went there and, after factoring in your guys' opinions, I decided not to get it.

I did, however get Diablo Battlechest. I haven't played Diablo since the first one came out, and I haven't played the second one since it came out (I was seriously addicted to Diablo 2, the only game ever to get me THAT addicted). I'm looking forward to (finally) playing them again. I used to be pretty damn good at it.

What I really wanted to ask though, is that since they gave me a WoW DVD with a 14 day trial in the battlechest, I was wondering if I should install it? Diablo got me addicted pretty bad before, how will WoW do?

I never found WoW that much fun tbh, and hardly addicting.

Personally, I enjoyed both the beta and demo of Bad Company. Its at least worth a rental in my opinion.
The destructible environments have been severely scaled backed/gimped over preview builds of the game, likely to keep the framerate solid.

The single-player campaign's theme (a bunch of hick soldiers going around shooting people while listening to country music) does not exactly appeal to me.

Eight-person multiplayer... in a Battlefield game?

It's console-only. Console-only means no mods and a community full of idiotic frat boys and sugar-high 13-year-olds. It also inevitably means that things have been significantly dumbed down, whether it be the plot, gameplay, interface, etc. It also means auto-aim.

Pay-to-download weapons that are superior to the regular ones (yes, they took them out, but I'm still angry that they thought it up in the first place, and they'll undoubtedly put some more pay-to-play content in there).

The only reason the destructon would have been scaled would be for game play. They likely found that if everything was totaly destructable the game would not be fun and thus opted to keep building frame works and stairs. It means you get cover and also can get to multi-player objects.

The game infact supports 24 player online which is pretty damn good for console gaming.

Fair point on modding and community support, but lets hope some DLC comes out.

And as for the cry baby children I totaly agree, the imaturaty on live is worse then counter-strike and thats saying something!

^^ Thats a list of the 5 special unlocks, you don't have for any from what I can see. And the weapons are no better then those already found in the game so you are at no disadvantage, they are better in some respects but worse in others much like bf2.

Again, this is all from a multi-player point of view. I can't say i'm to intrested in the single player but I will play it. Looks like its going to be a laugh but I really feel that I will get my money's worth through the multi-player. But if you have never been a fan of bf games then fair enough your unlikly to get into it to much.

I don't really know why i'm defending this game so much, its not perfect by any means, same with all games but I really don't think its any where near as bad as people are saying. People seem to have very extream opinions on it and i'm trying to understand why.

If you have your xbox connected to live download the demo and give it a go, you wont regret it.


WoW is shoddy, don't risk runining your life over some stupid goblin men.
Ok, so I went there and, after factoring in your guys' opinions, I decided not to get it.

I did, however get Diablo Battlechest. I haven't played Diablo since the first one came out, and I haven't played the second one since it came out (I was seriously addicted to Diablo 2, the only game ever to get me THAT addicted). I'm looking forward to (finally) playing them again. I used to be pretty damn good at it.

What I really wanted to ask though, is that since they gave me a WoW DVD with a 14 day trial in the battlechest, I was wondering if I should install it? Diablo got me addicted pretty bad before, how will WoW do?

Diablo Battlechest :O ... I don't think I've ever touched Diablo .. or if I have it hasn't been for long as it was years ago and my PC was dire. Guess that's something to get at the end of the month :P

As for WoW .. you may as well try it if you've got a trial, been playing it for about 2 years now and I love it personally.
If you can't handle mastering 12,000,000 hot keys for attacks and abilities and all that shit, don't even bother.
Eh, I'm pretty sure early demos of the game boasted full physics-based procedural damage of all buildings. The final game seems to use hitboxes of some sort to achieve similar but significantly less dynamic and realistic effects.

It might have been like that all along. Even from the beginning, I remember being fairly underwhelmed once I saw Bad Company's environmental destruction in video form.
Psh, hotkeys my ass :P .. I set all the needed skills from 1-6 and then bind another 3 to V, R and G. Not that many :D
the destructible environments and awesome sound effects are what make this game. i wouldn't mind seeing some of that stuff in something valve creates
This thread is 2-3 months old, man.

For anyone who really cares about my video game choices, I didn't buy it, although since this thread bump, I'm considering it - I got fast net now, and it's $45... I just need to buy a router so I can have XBOX live.
whoops just realized. i just rented the game, so that compelled me to seek out a thread that talked about it
Still is nothing compared to BF2 on the PC, with or without mods.
Rented it ... single player sucks, multi-player is decent ... not worth buying.

Though playing a sniper kicks ass in the online mode.
I might trade in a few games and/or rent this. If Conquest is any good at all I'll probably love the crap out of this game.