Bad Lads Army

Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
Any 1 from the UK been watching this on tv?
I think that headbut was a bit harsh on kipriano 2night.
And im glad those brown brothers are gone, what a pair of knobs.
Top quality programme. Yeah it was a bit harsh.
Aw FCUK! Forgot it was on tonight... again! I've watched every show apart from the last two. Having Broadband really makes you forget.
Kiprianu or w/e his name is deserved all he got. Hes a lazy **** that doesnt do anything. He acts like hes got a sprained knee too, cant he just pull his head out of his ass do some work?

Anyway, those night excersies (sp?) they did where hilarious. They looked so scared, not so bad anymore eh? Cant wait for the next episiode where they leave.
No-one deserves to be headbutted. Ever.
Any 1 from the UK been watching this on tv?
I think that headbut was a bit harsh on kipriano 2night.
And im glad those brown brothers are gone, what a pair of knobs.

Please explain, because I have no clue about what is being said here.
I get the UK TV show part, but the rest is loopy.
Alright, i admit a headbutt was a little extreme, but he really should do more work.
They shold bring back national service...Honestly, if they got 12-18 year olds it would be perfect. All the problems with youth today would vannish. You don't even have to use them to do regular army stuff, you just use them to do all the menial jobs like clearing up the streets, building public works, painting lamp posts etc...

It would cut obesity down massivly, people would go to uni and come out at 23-24 rather than 21 meaning they would have more maturity about them. They would also have learnt many skills in dealing with people etc and have more focus which many students don't. You wouldn't get millions of western students going to the far east either, ravaging the countries in a supremely arrogant way.

Oh, and who headbutted who? I missed it :)
The guy who headbutted kaprianu (sp?) got kicked out for a vicious and unprovoked assault. Forgot his name, but he was an asshat anyway.
I agree with you Farrowlesparrow but i think 12- 18 is a bit early i think maybe just 16-18.
I think it would do alot for this country (uk) and the people that live in it.