Badge of Blood Media Release


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
A badge is an insignia– something you wear proudly, something with which you channel your ego, a small trinket that promotes your illusionary social costume. But a badge can also hold a deeper meaning. A significance that doesn't want to be forgotten. And a badge of blood… a badge of blood is a reminder that your position in life, your rank, your honour, your role – was not free. To wear a badge of blood is to carry the weight of all your fallen comrades who have helped you get where you are now. It is guilt, congealed into a small shiny object, which has snagged onto your uniform and refuses to dissolve. [br] [br] Or it could just be a red badge, because, you know, Mars is red and all. And soldiers bleed. Badge of Blood is a modification about people shooting each other with guns. On Mars. And that's all you need to know. [br] [br] Here's some pics. [br]

This mod has always looked fantastic. I'm really looking forward to it.
one of the best looking game models ive ever seen. they best get it ingame and sooon so we's can sees it in all its glories
Models look very nice! Would have been a treat to see them skinned though.
So far it looks like these guys have more talent than about half of the gaming industry.
Best news post evar! :LOL:

As far as the mod itself goes, finally people who realize good textures are better than models with 100,000 polys that can never be practically used in game. And these guys don't have good textures, they have some of the best damn textures I've seen... Whatever they make, it's gonna be grade A snuff. :thumbs:

*Gouges his own eyes out*

-Angry Lawyer
yeah, before they get skinned they are unskinned... that's the tricky thing about WIP shots. :upstare:

Can't remember hearing of this mod before... and I'm pleasantly surprised :) Some nice models and the character look top too!
i really like style of badge of blood.
the weapon looks good to.
I want to have rough unsafe sex with badge of blood ...

Impressive... I took a look at the website and these guys aren't messing around!

All bullets fire will be tracked through space... meaning that there will be no instant point-click kills with ballistic weapons. Players will have to account for bullet drop and time to target when they fire their weapons, especially at long ranges.
This sounds really cool, my only worry... how many players are they planning to have per server? In a busy fire fight how well would the server cope with tracking hundreds or thousands of bullets at once, as well as all the player positions and other variables it has to cope with and send out to all the clients? I'm no expert on server side scripting though, just curious. lol

One thing that really impresses me is the amount of research these guys have done. They arent going all sci-fi-bend-the-rules-do-whatever-they-want just because its on Mars. Here's a few quotes...
We intend to use science FACT to support our fiction. You won't see "phasers", "energy shields", or "plasma rifles" in this game.
We've done extensive research into projects revolving around high energy heat lasers, gauss rifles, rail-guns, and assorted other plausable technologies that are likely to see extensive use in the coming century. If you want disrupter rays, you've come to the wrong place.
Officially supported Badge of Blood maps featuring the surface of Mars will be built using data collected from the Mars Orbital Laser Altimeter on the Mars Global Surveyor!
That's dedication to accuracy.

Also, while the unskinned renders aren't much to look at, they do show great promise. I can agree with Scorpion after checking out the website, look at this SKINNED WEAPON HERE. Possibly some of the best texturing I've ever seen on a weapon. Especially a custom designed one!

Overall, this mod is looking like it's definitely one to watch! It looks like it might be a long wait though. Still very early stages when all they are showing us is weapon renders and character models :( I want this mod now! lol
Looks really interesting, BUT here's a little thing which any who has ever shot a long range weapon (well...that's not actually very common?) knows and that is that the actual bullet trajectory is affected more by wind than gravitational pull. Sure, the wind doesn't affect a normal rifle bullet very much until you try to shoot it at 500 meters or so but it's still a big factor which should be counted in too and it would make any kind of long-range aimbots completely useless btw, how would you predict wind in a bot? :)
Para said:
Looks really interesting, BUT here's a little thing which any who has ever shot a long range weapon (well...that's not actually very common?) knows and that is that the actual bullet trajectory is affected more by wind than gravitational pull. Sure, the wind doesn't affect a normal rifle bullet very much until you try to shoot it at 500 meters or so but it's still a big factor which should be counted in too and it would make any kind of long-range aimbots completely useless btw, how would you predict wind in a bot? :)
The effects of gravity would actually be more severe than you think, and wind less severe. When you take a weapon designed to function on Earth (in 1.0G gravity) and use it on Mars (.38G gravity), its trajectory is going to be significantly changed. Further, the atmospheric pressure on Mars is less than 1% that of Earth, which means that a bullet, which acts somewhat like an airfoil, is going to generate basically zero lift (unlike on Earth), and also that wind is going to have a much lower effect.
Our technical design document is pushing about 75 pages now, and this doesn't include our Art Bible, Development Plan, and a Master Task list that summates every single niggling detail for every project and every task that needs to be completed for Closed Beta, Open Beta, and Retail Release

Personally I'm all for this. I want to see successful mods go on to retail releases. I'm just wondering whether the majority of the scene is still in it's "hating on modders with ambition" phase. I seem to remember other mods copping a lot of flack over even the mention that they'd LIKE to be able to work on a retail version of their mod.

Ratamacue said:
The effects of gravity would actually be more severe than you think, and wind less severe. When you take a weapon designed to function on Earth (in 1.0G gravity) and use it on Mars (.38G gravity), its trajectory is going to be significantly changed. Further, the atmospheric pressure on Mars is less than 1% that of Earth, which means that a bullet, which acts somewhat like an airfoil, is going to generate basically zero lift (unlike on Earth), and also that wind is going to have a much lower effect.

Less gravity -> longer trajectory curve -> more flying time for projectile -> more combined force from wind pushing the projectile away from its target. And didn't Mars had huge windstorms or was that some other planet?

I'm not talking stricly of rifle bullets and similar in here since mots of my knowledge of weather effects come from learning how to use mortars which are very prone to weather effects if you don't know what you're doing.
dissimulated said:
Personally I'm all for this. I want to see successful mods go on to retail releases. I'm just wondering whether the majority of the scene is still in it's "hating on modders with ambition" phase. I seem to remember other mods copping a lot of flack over even the mention that they'd LIKE to be able to work on a retail version of their mod.

I think this is fine if (A) you get to play the mod before it gpes retail and it doesn't get withdrawn and (B) the retail version adds a new dimension to gameplay or much more content, justifying the money spent.

For mods looking to go retail the beta release should be a proof of concept. It should make players think "Yeah, I'd pay for this". I'm always more likely to go for the halfway cheaper method of donating than paying for a whole mod that I, or the general playerbase might get bored with. Retailing mods like BoB is tricky because it also means you need to have a dedicated support staff and servers already in place to ensure players can always find a game. The beta stages for me would also be proof of how prepared and capable the dev and support teams are of handling their expansion. So they should bear that in mind.
Personally I'm all for this. I want to see successful mods go on to retail releases. I'm just wondering whether the majority of the scene is still in it's "hating on modders with ambition" phase. I seem to remember other mods copping a lot of flack over even the mention that they'd LIKE to be able to work on a retail version of their mod.

Well, I think Red Orchestra is the best example we can examine. After Ostfront was released via Steam, Tripwire entertainment broke even in FOUR DAYS of sales. From then on, it's nothing but profit. I think that's a business model that should give the rest of the gaming industry pause.

The original BF:1942 cost several million dollars to produce, and as I understand it, that title is only now close to turning a profit for EA.

And frankly, I would play RO over BF:1942 any day of the week.

I think it's a great story of Heart and soul trumping glitz and glam. :) And how it can be economically viable at the same time.

- MonkeyLord

PS: Thanks for all the kind words, folks. We appreciate it, and we hope to make a game that everyone here will enjoy. Hearing stuff like this makes it all worth it. :)
See, these pictures were going to be our exclusives. But Munro took too long to post my article.