Badge of Blood Media Release


Jan 15, 2004
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The term “World War” is always used to address the two largest fights of our history, that shook the very foundations of our planet. Badge of Blood, an upcoming Half-Life 2 modification, takes the term into new grounds. [br] Mars has been colonised, and it’s population grows past the millions mark as it establishes it’s own sense of culture and belonging. Soon it is the central hub of the Solar System; a crossroads that connects Earth with the undiscovered mysteries of space. But Earth is getting restless with the success of their sister-planet… and the gears of war are once again set in motion, not between nations, but between worlds. [br] Badge of Blood, the epic modification that will blow us all away, has released a media release packed with concept art. [br]

[br]A customisable tank? I can’t wait! To check out more BoB wonders, visit their site here.
Meh more concept art that looks very rince and repeat with every other mod out there.
yes, i also thought badge of blood was at a much further progress already, but still concept art? still a long way to go so it seems.
Silly people. This is just new media. They're entirely serious about their mod, as you may soon find out...
I am not silly, just trying to goad them into showing some more substantial media.
Well, the concept art looks really slick, and I'm sure any models they have are looking slick as... something really REALLY slick...
Well, I think everything sounds great, aside from the "background story" which is very cliche imo.

But other than that it looks and sounds great.:)

From the site.

"The entire solar system shudders under the beat of the war drum as the Corporate Republic of Mars declares its independence from Earth... and the latter moves to stop it."

This is perhaps demanding a bit too much but I would have prefered if they looked up the current treaties on humans in space.

Here's a bit of the "rules" from the current U.N. OST(Outer Space Treaty).

"Outer space is NOT subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means;"

I'd love if someone wrote a story that actually takes into consideration the current U.N. treaties about Outer Space, there're seriously a ton of'em, and it's a great source for making the story a bit more realistic and living(believable).
Haha, okay.
Still pretty cliche tho, but the story doesn't matter that much unless it's a SP-only experience.:p


Just read the timeline tho, nice job.
Albeit some things about the timeline strikes highly odd to me, but then again I'm a kind off perfectionist..:(
Oh yeah, Monkeynutz & the gang are gonna deliver, you can bet on it!

Now if he'd just remember his old mates and send me a C.B. offer..... ;p
This is one of my favorite mods out there.(Up there with BM:S, G Mod and Rouge Threat)
Nice to see news from you guys
concept art isn't all that interesting. i look forward to this mod but i really want to see some ingame shots
polyguns said:
concept art isn't all that interesting. i look forward to this mod but i really want to see some ingame shots
Ok, that wraps up this media update... We still have a lot of content sitting around waiting to see the light of day, but we want to make to sure that everything looks spectacular before we put out for public consumption. Our first alpha is well on its way, and hopefully within the next month, we'll have in-game screenshots to show off that will include some of our menu styles, HUD items, models, and custom maps! Very exciting stuff!
Lak3d said:

ok, i want to know why you quoted me, then proceded to post a link to their site like there is actually ingame media on there?

i can't find it, if theres some in the forums, please provide direct links. I have been to the site many times, thats why i made the comment
This actually looks like it might be promising. This may only seem like boring concept art, but in actual fact its revealing a bit about game features, development attitude and mod direction. I LIKE IT :D nice job guys
Hye guys! Thanks for the kind words (and fair criticisms)

Believe me, we wanted to be a lot farther along than we are, too... We hit a couple major snags over the summer involving job changes, people moving house, some folks disappearing off of the face of the planet, etc etc. You know, those things that ALL mod teams suffer from. But they all seem to hit us in rapid succession for a few months.

Discouraging, yes... but the core of the team is extremely dedicated, and we're gaining speed again, so we're pumped! :) Believe me, we want to get some in-game dev screenies to you as soon as we can manage.

Thanks again, and take care!
I hear you Monkey, we have had simular events that slowed down the progress. So i know what it's like, the good thing is you don't let it stop the mod! glad you're still working on it, cause it looks A OK so far :) I can't wait for that ingame screenie :p
He is no mere monkey, he is the LORD of monkeys. He commands the ape hordes into battle with swords held hi...erm. thanks for the update. personally i dont think you are slow off the mark at all
Wow, this mod looks great. I can't wait for it's release. I'm anticipating this one as much as I was Dystopia. *That's alot by the way :D*
OMG, badge of blood.... *has a heartattack*
keep up the GREAT work :thumbs: (im still in love with the player model)

I'm anticipating this one as much as I was Dystopia. *That's alot by the way *

That must have been a huge dissapointment, you know..with the sucking and all. BoB will wipe the floor with them