Bah, I am annoyed tonight, time for my pain...

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Aug 6, 2003
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Well I have a friend named, hmmm we shall call her Jenny. Ok so Jenny's brother knocked up this girl named Dana. They have the baby, yadda yadda. My friend Jenny notices that Dana and her brother are not taking care of the baby properly, IE. driving home drunk with the baby, smoking weed infront of the baby, and selling drugs right in front of it too, also cigarette smoking going on..Ok so my friend Jenny had enough, and reported her brother and Dana to Social Services, she asked what I thought about it, I said it was the right thing to do because a baby shouldn't have that happened to them at such an early age, opening the door to cancer and habits down the line, this is where it gets interesting...

So, Dana is now threatening my friend, say all her friends(Dana's) are going to do stuff to my friend...I really worried about her etc.(its the girl I really like, has a b/f tho :-/) anyways, fast forward to today. Dana told my friend's little brother that my friend Jenny was having sex with me behind her b/f's back, because we hang out a lot....But this doesn't go on, she and I are smarter than this, we are just good friends. Anyways, my friend Jenny hears about this, told her boyfriend(don't know what he has to say) then tells me. At this point I don't know what the hell is going on, I've never met Dana or talked to her before. So I was pissed more than anything someone would say this shit. So I call up my cousin, he knows Dana, etc. Pretty sure he smokes weed with her and my friend's brother. I told him, if she wants to start some shit with me, then she is messing with the wrong person, I will sit outside her house and wait for her to light up a joint or pack a bowl and call the cops right then and there.(Slight note: if you mess with me and I don't know you, you pretty much are ****ed...I am not a happy person when people spread thigns about me, and I don't even know who you are or what you look like) So he talks to my friends brother and he said he got it straightened out, I guess.

Tonight I am very annoyed because Dana decided she would spread shit, and try and ruin my friendship with Jenny, even though it won't facking happen, I've known her for about 4 years....Not that easy to break me and her up being friends....We've been there for each other, etc.

I just wanted to rant, sorry if its a boring story...I just need to get it out of my system.
I like cookies, want a cookie?
Are we supposed to respond or something?
whoh whoh whoh

Back up here... you have a friend named jenny?

Ok yeah thats kinda ****ed...

The world is tho...
burnzie said:
whoh whoh whoh

Back up here... you have a friend named jenny?


I know someone called Jenny, shes no friend though. She is a bitch. I mean a bigger one then me, so I got jealous.
Wow I know a person named jenny to... she's a bitch.

Sigh, there it is again. Drugs just cause so much sh!t.
burnzie said:
Wow I know a person named jenny to... she's a bitch.


First, we need to make the No Jennys club.

Were allowed one.
Kommie said:
I like cookies, want a cookie?
Are we supposed to respond or something?

You can if you want....I just had no way of leaving my house to let out my anger...sorta ice'd in :(
DiSTuRbEd said:
You can if you want....I just had no way of leaving my house to let out my anger...sorta ice'd in :(
I see. Just do your best to make sure the baby is taken away, that will eclipse any of her pathetic attempts at ruining your friendship. Then when the baby is taken away laugh at her. Anyone who drives drunk with a child deserves worse.
earlier in the thread said:
I will sit outside her house and wait for her to light up a joint or pack a bowl and call the cops right then and there.(Slight note: if you mess with me and I don't know you, you pretty much are ****ed...I am not a happy person when people spread thigns about me, and I don't even know who you are or what you look like)

moments later...

DiSTuRbEd said:
I just had no way of leaving my house to let out my anger

it just made me laugh. You big dangerous person you :)
Hey I can't hit I will have a better time with her arrested, instead of me being the one arrested..I let out anger through my car...just find a curvy road and have my fun :)
RakuraiTenjin said:
Drugs are bad, and cause this kind of stuff.
weee, ::hands you the ignorant statement of the day award::
But the last thing we need is another drug thread, eh?
RTFMy said:
Is that what your parents told you? :rolleyes:
No, that's what common sense, and some self respect told me.

Don't even BEGIN to think you can defend the use of drugs.
Ikerous said:
weee, ::hands you the ignorant statement of the day award::
But the last thing we need is another drug thread, eh?
Yeah those things always get ugly
vegeta897 said:
No, that's what common sense, and some self respect told me.

Now go find the source that says marijuana makes you stick your unprotected penis into a vagina.

I guess it's too late for this to not become another pot thread :|
Why dont you all just stop fighting, like Ikerous said, we dont need a drug thread.
Ritz said:
Why dont you all just stop fighting, like Ikerous said, we dont need a drug thread.

People need to stop blaming drugs on their problems.

Vegeta out of curiosity how old are you & do you ever drink?
Ritz said:
Drugs hardly improve matters, now do they?
Drugs are a perfectly acceptable nuetral passtime, just like anything else. (I'm mostly referring to pot though)

And to say smoking weed is the cause of any of these problems is ludicrous...
Have you considered not caring about them spreading rumors, do the big thing and just dont care. And just stay out of it, getting involved could just get you and "Jenny" in deeper.
RTFMy said:
Is that what your parents told you? :rolleyes:
No, it's from every single group, individual, or family involved in that stuff I've seen. Including parts of my family (don't consider them that, though) who have a similar situation as the thread started layed out.
vegeta897 said:
No, that's what common sense, and some self respect told me.

Don't even BEGIN to think you can defend the use of drugs.

He listens to rap. Nuff said.
WE should all just smoke a spliff*(or for the non-pot smokers do something to chill out) and agree to disagree man, just go on and live our lives.

*But not around babies, thats bad
Yea because the worst people are always on drugs ::coughcatholicpriestswhomolestboysanddontdodrugscough::
AzzMan, although I am not reloigous you shoudn't say things like that about priests. Not all priests molest children... Shame on you.
Danimal said:
AzzMan, although I am not reloigous you shoudn't say things like that about priests. Not all priests molest children... Shame on you.
Yea! My priest never touched me :(
::isn't loved::
lol, um Ikerowned...? I gotta stop doing that.
Ikerous said:
Yea! My priest never touched me :(
::isn't loved::
That made me think of that episode of South Park where Mr. Garrison is ultra depressed because his father didn't molest him, and he thought it was because he didn't love him.
Haha, I didn't catch that one.

Man, this reminds me of a bunch of shit that went down with my mate and his girlfriend and her uber-bitch mates a while back.
babyheadcrab said:
Have you considered not caring about them spreading rumors, do the big thing and just dont care. And just stay out of it, getting involved could just get you and "Jenny" in deeper.

Not really, because she will just keep stiring shit, and I can end it easily, and take me out of this whole thing.

<---doesn't want to be in this arguement.
Hey guys stfu about drugs, go and make a drug thread if you want to talk about them. :\
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