Balancing objects on the head of a Bunny. (source of pancake bunny identified)

"Baumkuchen" circular cake
A roll cake
Choco Maron
This looks heavy!
A pumpkin flavoured rice cake
Oolong on display in the snow
More Dorayaki
Steamed egg cake
A big glove, Help!
Green tea cake
Very cute
Oolong's house
What a nice hat
Oolong did this by accident
This looks yummy
I am a chef!
10 pieces! Headperformance record
A rice cake with whole strawberry.

scroll down and click some of these.. lmfao..

oolongs orginal webpage
Hazar said:
what the......?


Just read this, it summarizes the fad and obsession with balancing things on bunnies heads and the halariy and fun of the fad. I think i'm going to need a bunny not just for head balancing though, that would just be a habbit of ours, but for companionship.

Oolong died :( that's alot more depressing then Arafats death actually. :bonce:

Oolongs owner has a new rabbit though
Saw this a long time ago. Thought everyone knew this :/. In fact if you search on 'pancake bunny' it's the first thing that comes up.

I blame... THE LAZINESS!!!
RIP Pancake Bunny

You will dwell in the afterlife with the other greats, such as the goat man.
that guy is a genious (anyone who can spell from my perspective is one :P)