Ballistics shield?


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
I remember playing the normal counterstrike, and saw on one server the option to pick a riot style ballistics shield. But the option was disabled on the server. Is this not included in CS:S, and why did people not like using it? In my opinion it'd open up all sorts of new avenues of stratic play if it was designed well. Having one guy open a door and walk in reflecting shots to provide manuvering ability for his buddies. But, I guess people just like to snipe and run and gun and not do slow tactics in CS:S. :sleep:
your average counter strike player's brain explodes at the complex concept of "he is there, but i cant shoot him"

The shield was abused more than the awp and sutosnipers combined.
The riot shield was the stupidest mod ever conceived for counter strike.
Cause they figured the time wasted by server admins disabling shields put together is longer then any person will ever live.
Homer said:
The shield was abused more than the awp and sutosnipers combined.

VodkA-HLC- said:
The riot shield was the stupidest mod ever conceived for counter strike.

Reaperman said:
your average counter strike player's brain explodes at the complex concept of "he is there, but i cant shoot him"

The shield sprites are still in CS:S IIRC. But yea, it got abused badly. Although it was a good comeback to awps. The CZ shield was better imo, wasnt as large and you had to duck to be fully protected.
I love when I see people with shields and they think they are safe from the front... Then I just rape their feet. Fun fun.
it seems if the shield were designed right, with some additional touches like loss of hearing and deflected shots, it could be good!?
There's a tip in the CS section of the HL2 game guide that tells you where and how to use the shield in Italy.
i really don't know what the shield was like previously, but there should be a mix of disadvantages, like slowing the person way down, making them crouch(as someone mentioned) to be fully protected, making them very immobile when crouched, still leaves them vulnerable in large spaces..
you don't see them using these in Iraq, because they aren't helpful unless you're busting doors down and know the direction of fire.. but if you're going for surprise, like a swat team or something, you want to be quiet and agile, and shoot first without ever taking fire..
am i making sense or just over analyzing?
I loved the shield when CS 1.6 FIRST came out, and Steam was still relatively new. SO many people hated it. And I was already good with pistols, so we went together great. So many people had no clue what to do when they saw it so they just started shooting right into the shield, no aiming, no grenades. So I made short work of them. Until, that is, people got smart again.
but even a swat team is going to take fire and most likely casualties when clearing rooms if the suspects are already set up to fire at any motion

a shield would be the solution to this, in MGS2 the strike forces used the shield and used it effectively, the problem comes when most people only use the shield in pubs and people there are so disorginized and dont really care if one of their teammate dies, the shield could work in a scrim or match but i dont think any of the leagues ever allowed them, maybe limiting one per team would be good
Its because in real life the shield only protects you from pistol bullets and low calliber SMGs. If you get shot close up with an AK or M4A1 you're dead.