Ballmen Beta 1.5 Release


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
Reaction score
The Ballmen team have released Beta 1.5 of their total conversion cartoon deathmatch FPS. According to their website, 1.5 includes new maps and sounds on top of a slew of bugfixes and balancing changes. The main gameplay mechanic of Ballmen is that you can walk on any surface, whether it's a floor, wall, or ceiling, and it makes for some pretty intense firefights.

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You can check out more media, gameplay videos, a comprehensive player's manual, a helpful forum community, and of course the new Beta 1.5 download at the Ballmen site.
Damnation! After a couple of busy days not getting around to doing this Ennui beats me to the punch!

C'mon Skeetles, what were you thinking? The delay! The delay!

P.S. - Looks good! :)
Played this a few weeks ago, way too fast and insane for me.
This mod is consuming my soul. My love for it is like a bazillion pounds of chocolate heaped upon the bodies of all of your mothers.
This mod is consuming my soul. My love for it is like a bazillion pounds of chocolate heaped upon the bodies of all of your mothers.

I like this guy.
Certainly looks fast paced, since its only a 40mb download I will give it ago :)
Looks really cool, ill give it a go.
If anyone is raring for a game feel free to hit me up on Steam. Also, reading the players manual before you play (during dl/install) is a good idea.
Argh, I downloaded it and then realised I don't have HL2 installed currently... D:
It feels GREAT! The only thing i was having trouble with is the weapon switching. Love the feel of the game.
hmmm have to check this when I get home from work

assuming the power is on :(