Band geeks unite!


Companion Cube
Sep 20, 2006
Reaction score
Well, I'm just wondering how many people on here play in a school band or orchestra? I play trumpet in our jazz band and baritone in the concert band. I'm the only freaking baritone, so I have solos galore... I hate soloing.
This one time, at band camp...

Oh come on, you were all thinking it.
i play the alto saz in concert band but im not a band geek. I pay guitar in a thrash metal band.
Just formed a metal/alternative band, thought it was about time to put my 10+ years of playing the guitar into good use :D
Currently in an alt. band, was in a metal band previous. I play lead guitar, bass and Spanish guitar. Not all at once obviously.
I want to make music like Botch and At the Drive-In, but no one wants to play out of tune and punch their guitars with me. :(
Around here it isn't really geeky at all to be in the band.. I'm not but.. for the most part a lot of people from all groups at our school are in band.
play trumpet in concert band and jazz band.

I bite my thumb at school bands.

But my band plays at school >.>
Well, I'm just wondering how many people on here play in a school band or orchestra? I play trumpet in our jazz band and baritone in the concert band. I'm the only freaking baritone, so I have solos galore... I hate soloing.

Trumpet in Jazzband, Trumpet in Concert Band.
I play baritone in concert/marching band, and I'm currently considering playing guitar for our jazz bamd.
Well, the only reason I posted this thread is because we just went on our yearly band trip. We kicked ass and took home the big trophy. Our concert band had the top score out of all bands that played in a five week period. Our jazz band sucked though because we played right after concert and all of our trumpets lips were blown out.
I play lead guitar for a hard rock band.

I want to make music like Botch and At the Drive-In, but no one wants to play out of tune and punch their guitars with me. :(

Currently in an alt. band, was in a metal band previous. I play lead guitar, bass and Spanish guitar. Not all at once obviously.

Just formed a metal/alternative band, thought it was about time to put my 10+ years of playing the guitar into good use :D

NOT what he meant...

I sang bass/tenor 2 in choir my junior and senior years in high school... that count?
I sang bass/tenor 2 in choir my junior and senior years in high school... that count?

Yes, I guess, but what I meant is the school band, like marching band for halftime shows at the football games and stuff.