Band Name


Apr 12, 2006
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Me and some mates are currently looking for a band name, for our band of course lol. You might know the one member (Ren182). Were a kinda of Dance/Punk Band alot like a band called !!! (chik chik chik) if you've ever heard of them. We take other insperations to but i think that band somes our genre up. Basicly we was woundering if you guys could helps us think of a band name.

Thnk You Blitz
murder legendaire

sweet name of a character in a dracula movie, also sounds cool for a band name
hum ill think about that it had a nicish ring to it when i said it in my head first
isnt that a band name already, well it is but its spelt the damned
lol used it before sometimes its best to mix some it makes thats how i come up with my old bands name (hero 2 zero)
"The Dammed"

this two took my intrest whats does everyone else think
Absent Murder
Sacrifice Reporting
dont supose u would mind making us a logo once we got a name, greatly appreciated if so
Oh oh, here's a band name...

The band name I give everyone when they ask.
You should become an Emo band and call yourselves "Slash me Elmo"
I misread that and thought you WERE !!!. :O

The Freakin' Limeys (copyright el Chi)
The Fangorious Dave
Grandma Stalin
The Fist
Christ on a dirtbike

A subtle change from christ on a bike, but think of the would be absolutely incredible.
i still like "murder legendaire" the most if any but i dont know wether it will match us