...youve never heard of them
...there completely commericaly unsucessful
...there songs have titles which have seemingly nothing to do with the lyrics
...the songs introductions last for atleast three minutes
...the lyrics DONT MAKE ANY SENCE atall
...they merge one kind of genre with anouther
...they have genre names like "60's soulmetal progrorevival acid neuro rock"
...every song is about ten minutes long atleast
...every song is completely deviod of any kind melody
...their fans will personally pull your eyes out of you say the band is crap
...the band is atleast twenty years old
...there completely commericaly unsucessful
...there songs have titles which have seemingly nothing to do with the lyrics
...the songs introductions last for atleast three minutes
...the lyrics DONT MAKE ANY SENCE atall
...they merge one kind of genre with anouther
...they have genre names like "60's soulmetal progrorevival acid neuro rock"
...every song is about ten minutes long atleast
...every song is completely deviod of any kind melody
...their fans will personally pull your eyes out of you say the band is crap
...the band is atleast twenty years old