Bank Account


Don't toke Sour Diesel
Mar 10, 2004
Reaction score
:) Now that i've finally gotten a real part-time job. My mom and I just came back from the bank. The experience was awesome! I feel more grown-up! WEE! She got me an account for Bank of America, a checking account. We were going to open a Saving's account. But, having only atleast $25 in the account would still be a hassle for me. My idea was to keep $25 in my savings and come once a month to transer $25 to my checkings and back into my savings each month, because all my hard-earned cash would be wasted. But, we figured in the long run I wouldn't have the time to be doing that fuss every month.

I am getting my ATM card and checkbook in about 1-3 weeks.

I also cashed in my first official paycheck which was $255 after all governmental taxes.

Now you can buy that Polly Pocket House that you always wanted.
Zing! :O

Well done old chap. Learning to save now is a good thing.
Shouldn't his Carmander now evolve to a Big Firey Flame Beast ^__^ O_o
You know, I read posts like that and sometimes I really wish I was back at that age, in the warm comfort of my family house, not having to worry about bills and such :(
his profile says opening a bank account at 17? lol i opened mine like at 14 or earlier. ah well :p
hey, ailevieation, do you want to upgrade to a better bank account? all you have to do is e-mail me your name, pin number, and a scan of your signature :D
I've had a bank account for a long time but there's never any money in it.

:( ;(
Awsome! hope you'l be responcible with your money. saving is good, you can buy bigger, more expencive and more usefull things.
buy bigger, more expencive and more usefull things = the purpose of life.
Now that you have your own account, The King of Nigeria has randomly chosen you to receive his $25 million giveaway. Just send your account number, ..............
social security number, real address, and resident confirmation number.

I had a bank account since I was 10, and made a different one for investing in the stock market when I turned 13.
OvA said:
Now that you have your own account, The King of Nigeria has randomly chosen you to receive his $25 million giveaway. Just send your account number, ..............
Yeah man, that totaly worked for me.
I'm teh r1ch l337!