Banning Violent Video Games?

sucks to live in NY. i live in Az where u can carry a gun with you in a holster in public. Kids are either violent by nature or not violent at all. the Parents have the right to not let kids get these games or to teach the kids what is wrong and what is right. Ban the stupid people from having children not entertainment.
they'll never get thru amendment numero uno!

Gov. Pataki said:
... once crime improves the rest of the country won't be far behind.

yes... cause banning viloent games in NY will improve crime... :hmph:
You have games like Grand Theft Auto teaching children to steal cars and kill people.

^^i really went out and stole a tank, went on a killing spree and was racist to black people when i played vice city.... :frown:

no, seriosly- didnt u hear it on the news?
it will, because the mere fact that Devs aren't forcing these games on people. the consumer chooses to buy these games and products, game devs are not communist. not to mention like Pendragon said, this does violate the 1 Amendment. 2 reason already, not to mention what else they can come up with.
"It has been brought up in the past, but never have I seen such evidence as presented to be by Mrs. Ryan. There is no doubt in my mind that this is the best thing to do, when kids aren't spending hours playing games that teach them about guns and crime, crime rates will go down and we will see improvment in their grades. I only hope this will help persuade other states to follow in our footsteps." Governor Pataki stated at a press conference on Wednesday, March 10th.

Haha, when kids aren'y busy playing video games they will be outside shooting cops and destroying shit and doing drugs.
Heh. ****ers. :hmph: well, whatever, GTA taught us to steal cars in a most realistic fashion, I'll know to walk up to a door, press 'E' and get in :) it just me or is that article fake? Look at the URL!
Lol yah exactly, I would fear the day someone walks up to my car and presses the E key.
I think that is a fake article, it is hosted off of the same site in his sig.
mrBadger said:
Heh. ****ers. :hmph: well, whatever, GTA taught us to steal cars in a most realistic fashion, I'll know to walk up to a door, press 'E' and get in :)

you see, it has already permeated the minds of our youth!

Anyways, if they want to see real violence, ban the sale of violent games. I'll show you violence :flame:
I live right next to NY....I would think I woulda heard about this one. :D

I swear if that did happen, I would go bk down to nottingham. Purchase a large gun.

Get a plane over to the country in question.

Wait until the law is passed

Then go on a mad killing spree just to make the crime figures go up after games were banned....

Ok, I wouldn't. Because it would give gamers a bad name.

and I aint no phycopath neither
It's not the games that make us violent... it's the people that try to take them away from us. :)
Yeah I know its fake. I realised straight away. But I just wanted to point out what I would do....

Oh and Foxtrot, what do ya mean?

If you mean, spelling, punctuation and grammer. Then, by all means waste your time pointing them out to me. I won't listen or care. :)

If its something else then I would love to hear it. :D
I aint no physcopath neither is a double negative...unless you meant to do that...hmm...
Thats just an accent thing...

Never noticed it before.

Heheh, I bet it seems weird to people which use English as their second or third or... language.
damn, my plans for world domination have been foiled by a far too obvious url! Well, looks like it's back to the planning stages yet again
here in my country you can see many kids whit 10 (or less) years old playing GTA,and they love it,like me
and the games hav a censure ranking,and the stores just sell to the buyers of the not censure age?

in my country that censure dont matter
for example one of my cousin(I dont remenber how exactly that word in english) who hav less of 8 years old(6 I think)hav Resident evil!,but well the fathers hav the controls but I dont see they care about the violence
Now, I know what the thing is on everyone's mind is.
Look at the url...Pseudo means fake.
And yahoo would never support those adds.
csmighty1 said:
ain't, ain't a word

Actually it is now. I was named a real word not long ago. I believe you can find it in the newer dictionaries. Its good for southerners like me who use it all the time. I say ain't all the time while talking, same with ya'll, which seems to be exclusively southern.
It considered a word though. It is am and not combined some how to make ain't but ain't itself is just considred a word in it own.
on the other hand couldnt it detract from violence too.? if it keeps you indoors long enough, I just think that if these GO's arnt seen to be doing anything about this stuff, they wont get their monthly bonus :p
My fix for stupid people playing violent video games and copying it in the real world.... The rating people who rate the video games should invent a game license and give to people who pass a test that proves that there not stupid and won't go out and steal an ambulance and tell the cops "I did that on GTA." :devil: said:
ain't ( P ) Pronunciation Key (nt)

1. Contraction of am not.
2. Used also as a contraction for are not, is not, has not, and have not.

Usage Note: Ain't has a long history of controversy. It first appeared in 1778, evolving from an earlier an't, which arose almost a century earlier as a contraction of are not and am not. In fact, ain't arose at the tail end of an era that saw the introduction of a number of our most common contractions, including don't and won't. But while don't and won't eventually became accepted at all levels of speech and writing, ain't was to receive a barrage of criticism in the 19th century for having no set sequence of words from which it can be contracted and for being a “vulgarism,” that is, a term used by the lower classes, although an't at least had been originally used by the upper classes as well. At the same time ain't's uses were multiplying to include has not, have not, and is not, by influence of forms like ha'n't and i'n't. It may be that these extended uses helped fuel the negative reaction. Whatever the case, criticism of ain't by usage commentators and teachers has not subsided, and the use of ain't is often regarded as a sign of ignorance. ·But despite all the attempts to ban it, ain't continues to enjoy extensive use in speech. Even educated and upper-class speakers see no substitute in folksy expressions such as Say it ain't so and You ain't seen nothin' yet. ·The stigmatization of ain't leaves us with no happy alternative for use in first-person questions. The widely used aren't I? though illogical, was found acceptable for use in speech by a majority of the Usage Panel in an earlier survey, but in writing there is no acceptable substitute for the stilted am I not?

ain't! :)