Barenaked Ladies - oooooo!


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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Anyone like these guys? I like most of their songs, even though they're kind of old (Like 7 years or something like that) I first heard they're song "If I had a Million Dollars" When I was a young kid, I bought their CD a while back, And I still like their music, anyone else?

(If you havn't guessed the band... It's "Barenaked Ladies")
I actually did "One Week" in my 6th grade lip sync.
lol yeah i used to listen to them with mybrother on the way to school i have gradually collected all their albums. their really fun to listen to.
I love barenaked Ladies. Probably my favourite song of theirs is "Tonight is the night I fell asleep at the wheel". I just love it.
I like them, but haven't bothered to get an entire album.

I also commend them for this. We need more bands embracing computers and technology instead of being scared and filing lawsuits or putting ludicrous copy protection on them. Sony Rootkit anyone?
I used to listen to them a lot, but haven't bought a cd of theirs in a long time. I should go out and grab one sometime.
The song I've been listening to since I was a kid was "If I had A Million Dollars"
I really like them, I have their "best of" album and their christmas album. THey're really cool, saw them live once. it was really cool- our (me and me mum's) original seats were off to the left, about midway back. then something happenned, I'm nto sure what, and we got moved up to the front row, middle section! It was totally awesome. In the middle of "if I had a million dollars" someone threw a stuffed monkey onstage... the lead guy put it in his pants :LOL:
Ack, I can't stand them
They've been around a lot longer than seven years, more like 15, at least