Barney Calhoun meets Gordon Freeman *blueshift spoilers*


Oct 29, 2007
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Don't care what you guys think it's just a crazy idea one night....

Explosions occur as the Barney and the team of scientists ran from what was left of Black Mesa's entrance all was hope in the lives of those still living, gasping for air Barney struggle through the desert scouting for any sign of others he let out a sigh for relife turning around with inches close to a strange man wearing a suit,briefcase with a 6'2 height.

"Barney Calhoun I presume"

A burst of light and darkness covered Barney's site till that creepy voice talk itself to life.

"Your alarmed Mr Calhoun,me personal find that most esteem to a employee of mine. You may have seen him at your post working as he clicks the switches and pushes the carts.
A man who would give his life for strangers would be consider a hero Mr Calhoun but he can also be a fool. The fool who is too much into his diddle to notice he'll be walking off a cliff. Well lets save that fool for later. There is someone I want you to meet mr Calhoun."

A humming sound vibrated in his drums showing a half naked man who's strapes covered his privates and chest his head was held back by a bigger strap how his face was fully expose in the glowing light.

"Dr Gordon Freeman, we hold him as one of are great prized possions. A smart,brave and talented man like himself needs a laid back,can do attuide. As long as you stay here you both I know will be vast friends."

A wizzing sound mummur a bright white glowing thread pushing out of gordon's forehead snaking it's way to barney.

"Think of it as a dream where you'll spend recalling and reliving the absent things you two could exchange. Or...I think make...."

The wire purge into barney's forehead making everything go black as Barney and Gordon dreamed of they're now born friendship

Needs more gay action thought.
Hmmm... it's... well, I mean... If it wasn't so bad and un-readable, it could be good. But instead, it isn't. Also, it's weird. Also, it's gay. Also, it's really a stupid idea.
thank you it was dream after watching the matrix,alarm call *french* and why are we friends? *french*

I think Gordon and Barney never met at all and the gman had something to with they're mystery friendship....

it's been said in theory that are soul and body are connect by a white thread making possible for us to astral project. If we could bend this thread hard enough we could purge into another person's mind exchanging thoughts,feelings and events.

I woke up 3:00 in the morning with the idea and typed away while my eyes were half closed and went back to bed

enjoy that's what I say...
The gman stolen Barney from the desert to brain wash him and gordon to think that they had a friendship when they never even met puting them in a matrix where barney and gordon could interact like nothing had happen.

It was a crazy idea I had that's all
The gman stolen Barney from the desert to brain wash him and gordon to think that they had a friendship when they never even met puting them in a matrix where barney and gordon could interact like nothing had happen.

It was a crazy idea I had that's all

Now it makes sense...its good...keep it up