barney calhoun


Jan 17, 2004
Reaction score
"barney! you made with th-....... oh dear, hey guys come look at this!" one sciantist said, " it apears as an error with the telleporter, ma-.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPP!! sudently he apears in xen. ZZZZZAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPP!! he got telleported to a cell and hears 2 millitary solders walking, gordon freeman being draged. ZZZZZAAAAAAAPPPPPPP!!!!!
"barney! your alive! we were thingking that you would not make it, thank you for all your help, we can now ecape black mesa. now get in the jep and lets get out of here." barney gets in the jep and they get out of the black mesa territory.

5 hours later.....

"oh-no were out of gas!"

they see a large explotiong in the distance.

I want this storie to be like like "a combine's storie" like diffrent ppeople making up more of the storie. any one with more ideas for it?
..."****" uttered Barney "I just hope we're out of range or we're all toast"
The men stared as the huge cloud of dust reached up into the sky, forming a giant mushroom.
"My god" whisperd Rosenberg. Luckily the shockwave disapated a few miles in front of then and they were safe for now.
"Lets move quick before that radioactive dust lands" shouted Simmons
The group began to run along the road that used to run from Black Mesa access gate 19 to the main road. After several minutes they heard the sound of gas jet aircraft. It appeard to be a Black Hawk Helecopter swooping low across the desert heading straight for them.....