Bastion - Fully narrated action rpg that Ben Croshaw actually liked


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
First 15 minutes of the game:

The Cataclysmal has destroyed the entire world and left it somehow as a series of magical floating islands. You play a black kid with white hair and a big hammer. It's an isometric view and it looks fun. The entire game is narrated which provides the story exposition, hints and a commentary on how you're playing. Looks very interesting and apparently the plot is done very well (though I don't really know how, I haven't looked it up, don't want to spoil it for myself) and Yahtzee even complemented it on this.

It's on Xbox Live now and is being released on Steam on the 16th.
No subtitles, no purchase!

All joking aside, I've been recommended this by several people but I am still on the fence.

Hoping there are some people on here that own the 360 version and can offer some feedback?
After seeing Irrational Games' devs praise this game, I'll buy it. Some time...
I saw my friend playing it on his console... it was kind of weird to me. I dunno if I like thge gameplay styling. Narration was entertaining though.
The kid hadnt spent much time with Bastion yet. He was enthusiastic about what he had seen so far though. The game looked great. The cartoon-ish art style really worked out well. The gameplay was nice and fluid. It reminded the kid a bit of the second Witcher, but done well. Once he got into the 'shooting - dodging - hammering away with my huge maul' he was really having fun, especially in the harder fights. The default control scheme didn't really suit the kid btw, so he switched to the mason and that worked out a lot better for him. And if you didn't get that by now, I really enjoy the narration. I want this in more games.
I am surprised no one else is playing this. It's a great little game and the dev support is awesome. The second PC patch was released today and it fixed the only complaint I had about the game.
Played the demo, in LOVE. Maybe I'll trade some TF2 stuff for this.
Tried the demo on Xbox and wasn't feeling it. Combat seems kind of stiff I guess? Maybe I should give it another try.
It was terrible trying to play this with WASD. Had to hook up the 360 controller. Other than that I'm really enjoying it. I thought the combat was the best part.