Baten Kaitos

Dec 7, 2004
Reaction score
Well, I picked up Baten Kaitos on the Cube yesterday...and I have to say after the first 20 minutes I'm ready to return it. The story seems very bad and cliched, the voice acting is dire, there's no plot in the first 20 minutes, just a series of very random events that just left me confused and the battle system is the worst and most undeveloped I've ever seen.
I'm a huge rpg fan and I've been looking forward to this for a long time, but last night almost made me throw up.
Should I really bother keeping it or should I go with Tales of Symphonia?
I really like Tales of Symphonia :) - nice old school RPG.
I agree with warbie tales is great and can be fun when you have another person to play with you to help (its multiplayer in battles) also the voice acting is above average and there is a lot of it
I honestly havn't played the game but I've heard from numerous sources that the it's pretty lackluster the first couple hours but is a ton of fun after that, so maybe hold off for now on the return. I really wanna play both Tales and Baiten Kaitos, but i'm just waiting for them to go down in price :D