Battle for middle earth review.


Apr 29, 2004
Reaction score
Click here. The review is up at IGN. Dang, I was expecting more. Oh well, we always have Half Life 2. :bounce:
there is a review up at gamespy also. Dang, what a disappointment. Maybe someone should make a LOTR BFME mod for Rome Total War.
Well if the game gets 8+ points then it is good but it is just a number it is the text inside the review that matters.
i have the PC gamer review, which i have yet to read. it only gets 76% though.
abconners said:
Click here. The review is up at IGN. Dang, I was expecting more. Oh well, we always have Half Life 2. :bounce:
Since when is a 8.0+ review bad?
I'm still buying it, it looks great to me.
it sounds like he wants to give it a 7, but gives it an 8.3 instead...
It arrived at the game store I work at today. It was so annoying, having it lie there and not being able to buy it for another week. :(