BoF.. Haven't thought up of a name yet.. so basically saying what it is =P Battle of France, WW2.. Blitzkrieg. That you all know ;o
So anyways - I know that there are more WW2 mods then Bill Gates has dollar bills.. but .. none involve France?
I know the Germans rolled over France, pretty easily - Mostly due to the French generals being .. the opossite of strategic though. They spread their best tank (Char) in very thin lines.. 1 per town I believe.. (towns).. And so their armor was very very very thin .. They also did the maginot line, which proved a failure during WWI. What if the French generals weren't.. 'retarded' during this era? Simple, Would've had a fight with the Germans. Won? Who knows, one of those 'what if' situations.
Anyways, this is how I look atit and would want the maps worked
- Town/City/Supply depot/strategic importance.. You get the idea - Basically, I want the normal 2 spawn areas.. But I want the town to be more of in the middle, use HL2's bigger maps for more fun (Armor obviously will beuseable since thats one of the things thats now good in HL2 with the vehicle system) -
If your attacking, say a French town - Id like to have the city in the middle, And being surrounded by land.. For Panzer groups / Infantry on Half-tracks/Opels to cooridinate an attack on the city , 88's available to who knows?
French would have tanks to defend, probably moreof the slower of their tanks during that time (Char .. very good armor, R35/H39 - H39 better gun, both good mg clips(big) - good for anti-inf .. H39 is pretty good against Panzers also with its upgraded gun) - But the Germans wouldnt have the 'Tiger' .. seeing how the BoF wasn't late-WW2.. They would use tanks such as the Pz. II .. Pz. III , Pz.IV , etc .. also a artillary tank used then 'Stug IIIB' .. Anyways, You get the idea? Tanks early period, k. - So, Coordinate your attack,You can attack from anywhere if the scenario is the town being surrounded.. If it isnt.. Will then could havea back spawn point where "reinforcements could come in" ..
French on a defense scenario? Could have their AT guns (MLE i believe) and the SA MLE? - Pretty good AT guns, Tanks such as listed above, Laffly's for setting up infantry in surrounding forests/tall grass etc (Lafflyis basically a transport truck, no MG was mounted on it)
Reason I want some.. area surrounding the town is for a couple reasons.. 1: Tank to Tank battles would be good, but with truck transport and such thing as called 'mechanized infantry' .. could bring the Infantry into town for quick placement .. Mechanized would be the infantry that stayed/moved in with the tanks, Reg. = In the Opel/HT .. so .. their ina city, with Hl2 maps, Lots of areas.. Would have a good Infantry v. Infantry combat exp., along wtih the Tanks fighting it out in the more open areas.
Now if the Germans were on the defense, Could just reverse the sides.. or not.
Also if this was to happen, That would mean this time would run into the British theatre also, So some maps could have British v Germans.. so ..
British + French v. Germans essentially,but not at the same time (Unless they do more of a .. in the middle town then maybe could be worked in?)
British tanks though just for.. nothing really =P A13, A12, Bedford(truck), etc..
Thats just an idea of how the maps could work imo that would be fun..
Anyways , Gameplay -
Tanks and Infantry basically. Maps wouldnt be big enough for player-controlled aircraft, also dunno if the Hl2 engine supports.. air thats player controlled (all has to run off the same physics engine?) - So maps would have to make it fun for both .. aspects of 'war.'
Just an idea =P Started to think it up during work today eh? =P
So anyways - I know that there are more WW2 mods then Bill Gates has dollar bills.. but .. none involve France?
I know the Germans rolled over France, pretty easily - Mostly due to the French generals being .. the opossite of strategic though. They spread their best tank (Char) in very thin lines.. 1 per town I believe.. (towns).. And so their armor was very very very thin .. They also did the maginot line, which proved a failure during WWI. What if the French generals weren't.. 'retarded' during this era? Simple, Would've had a fight with the Germans. Won? Who knows, one of those 'what if' situations.
Anyways, this is how I look atit and would want the maps worked
- Town/City/Supply depot/strategic importance.. You get the idea - Basically, I want the normal 2 spawn areas.. But I want the town to be more of in the middle, use HL2's bigger maps for more fun (Armor obviously will beuseable since thats one of the things thats now good in HL2 with the vehicle system) -
If your attacking, say a French town - Id like to have the city in the middle, And being surrounded by land.. For Panzer groups / Infantry on Half-tracks/Opels to cooridinate an attack on the city , 88's available to who knows?
French would have tanks to defend, probably moreof the slower of their tanks during that time (Char .. very good armor, R35/H39 - H39 better gun, both good mg clips(big) - good for anti-inf .. H39 is pretty good against Panzers also with its upgraded gun) - But the Germans wouldnt have the 'Tiger' .. seeing how the BoF wasn't late-WW2.. They would use tanks such as the Pz. II .. Pz. III , Pz.IV , etc .. also a artillary tank used then 'Stug IIIB' .. Anyways, You get the idea? Tanks early period, k. - So, Coordinate your attack,You can attack from anywhere if the scenario is the town being surrounded.. If it isnt.. Will then could havea back spawn point where "reinforcements could come in" ..
French on a defense scenario? Could have their AT guns (MLE i believe) and the SA MLE? - Pretty good AT guns, Tanks such as listed above, Laffly's for setting up infantry in surrounding forests/tall grass etc (Lafflyis basically a transport truck, no MG was mounted on it)
Reason I want some.. area surrounding the town is for a couple reasons.. 1: Tank to Tank battles would be good, but with truck transport and such thing as called 'mechanized infantry' .. could bring the Infantry into town for quick placement .. Mechanized would be the infantry that stayed/moved in with the tanks, Reg. = In the Opel/HT .. so .. their ina city, with Hl2 maps, Lots of areas.. Would have a good Infantry v. Infantry combat exp., along wtih the Tanks fighting it out in the more open areas.
Now if the Germans were on the defense, Could just reverse the sides.. or not.
Also if this was to happen, That would mean this time would run into the British theatre also, So some maps could have British v Germans.. so ..
British + French v. Germans essentially,but not at the same time (Unless they do more of a .. in the middle town then maybe could be worked in?)
British tanks though just for.. nothing really =P A13, A12, Bedford(truck), etc..
Thats just an idea of how the maps could work imo that would be fun..
Anyways , Gameplay -
Tanks and Infantry basically. Maps wouldnt be big enough for player-controlled aircraft, also dunno if the Hl2 engine supports.. air thats player controlled (all has to run off the same physics engine?) - So maps would have to make it fun for both .. aspects of 'war.'
Just an idea =P Started to think it up during work today eh? =P