Battlefield 2 "demo" Coming Soon

Alan Freeman

Nov 28, 2004
Reaction score
Battlefield 2 Testing

Well, if you didn't check our forums last night at 8:30PM PST you probably didn't hear about the BF2 Demo testing going on until everyone else picked up on it. had got a post from one of their members that while programming a new Game Server Browser stumbled onto some EA BF2 Demo Testing Servers. The screenshots show DICE testing a demo-build, also a website that had several "BF-Recorder" files, which was shut down after traffic going there. With many demo rumours floating around, it sure is interesting that they are doing demo testing. Here are the screenshots.

Is this what i think it is. :) A DEMO should be released soon this month or next month for sure.

Heres a link
Alan Freeman said:
Battlefield 2 Testing

Well, if you didn't check our forums last night at 8:30PM PST you probably didn't hear about the BF2 Demo testing going on until everyone else picked up on it. had got a post from one of their members that while programming a new Game Server Browser stumbled onto some EA BF2 Demo Testing Servers. The screenshots show DICE testing a demo-build, also a website that had several "BF-Recorder" files, which was shut down after traffic going there. With many demo rumours floating around, it sure is interesting that they are doing demo testing. Here are the screenshots.

Is this what i think it is. :) A DEMO should be released soon this month or next month for sure.

Heres a link

I hope there's a demo coming soon :) It'd be nice if they include the BF Recorder with it as well. That'd hold my appetite 'till release (assuming the demo has planes - unlike the first BF42 demo :P) I remember getting a patch so I could play on Wake Island. Damn that was fun to play around with.
god i hope they're doing the same thing they did with BF1942, releasing a demo early, I would love them that much more
Icarusintel said:
god i hope they're doing the same thing they did with BF1942, releasing a demo early, I would love them that much more

I know. Not enough games have a demo before release. I love a good demo. It can keep me occupied for so long. As long as there's a variety of vehicles in the demo level(s) for BF2, I'll be playing it up until release. I got kinda bored of the first BF42 demo that only had tanks and artillery in SP :P Then came the wake island patch/hack and I was golden.
i'm suprised they didn't get a full scale leak of the demo or entire game like Valve did :p
babyheadcrab said:
i'm suprised they didn't get a full scale leak of the demo or entire game like Valve did :p

I'm not surprised TBH.... EA is probably keeping a tight lid on BF2 cause it is now one of their main franchises and all.

God I was looking at more BF2 screens.... I can't wait :( :sniper:
Well then they would have wanted to delay it for a year then and such :P They would literally have an excuse to delay the game which would suck
Don't get your hopes up though. They just may have been testing the netcode. Im all for a demo as well but lets not get all giddy with excitement.

Actually, I hope that they don't release a demo. It'll make the final release even sweeter. I don't like playing games with tons of glitches and knowing EA, there will be tons of 'em. :dozey:
Yeah I really want a demo too but this is really no reason to get all excited this in no way means that a demo is coming out any sooner than originaly planned, my money is on us seeing a demo mid may to mid june before actual release.
what's the new news? seems they're saying the same thing they were saying yesterday ...maybe I'm just blind :)
Demo would be nice, might force me to play games again. Desert Combat was by far my favorite game (keep in mind I haven't played HL2 yet for more than 10 minutes :eek:).
CptStern said:
what's the new news? seems they're saying the same thing they were saying yesterday ...maybe I'm just blind :)

Well...providing more evidence of playtesting the demo then :P
:thumbs: good enough for me :)

edit: more news:

from a EA rep

"Hi all,

We've seen a lot of dates thrown around for a demo release, and these seem to generate out of thin air constantly. I wanted to provide a little clarity in this matter, so here goes. A Battlefield 2 demo will not be releasing in March. As we approach any demo release for Battlefield 2, we will be sure to let the community know it is coming and what the content will be. We will also continue to roll out content to the community on a regular basis, in terms of screenshots, info, videos and Editor spotlights.

Hope this clears things up for our Community."

-Ben aka [EA]Die Fledermau
Wow, I had no idea how many people on the forums were looking forward to BF2. It's nice to see so many people wanting this damn thing as much as me.
yeah brilliant!!!.

I hop new system such as SLI can score over 100FPS + high settings ON
I want! I can't wait for BF2. It looks like a monster game!
Iced_Eagle said:

That shows some demo files someone found (they were taking down after the server started getting its bandwith sucked... EA pulled the plug on it probably before anyone finished downloading) and they look to be around 5-10 megs :D :D REALLY small...
They should be small they were only game demo files (Not playable demos) Demos as in in-game movies. Like recordings using the new BF2 recording system. when someone guessed that link and put /demos/ they were looking for playable game demos and they found video demos. (like hl2 .dem files)
Damn :(

Ah least March is just about half over now :P
