Battlefield 2 pisses me off


Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
We all agree that Battlefield 2 is a fantastic game but it fails in a number of things, just like the original did. That is the fact, that if in the process of getting out of a vehicle, you accidently fall over, you die. If in the process of running across a street, a little jeep rolls into you doing no damage at all, you die. If in the process of getting shot at, you put an ak47 round through a guys chest, he doesn't die...If in the process of driving a heavily armoured main battle tank over a small hill, you end up damaging it. Can the American's not make a main battle tank that doesn't get damaged when you go over a small hill?

There are times when i have jumped out of helicopters and died because i was at the only angle where the wheels of the helicopter hit me as i threw myself out the door. I also jumped out a helicopter, on the ground, wasn't moving and for love of god, i have no idea what happened, i must of slipped on the step when i jumped out, but i died.
Agreed, but the last thing, it isn't supposed to be realistic like that.

The one thing that pisses me off the most is the ****ing recalled patch. That makes me so, damn, angry.
I really hate how easily you die when being hit by a vehicle.
So you die if a wheel from a Humvee drives over your toe? Yeah, right... :rolleyes:
the ak should be like that, if it was realisitc then all the wepons would have to be, and the gamebalance would be gone. your sweet main abttle tank would be destroyed by just one rpg, the mp5 would als pown, the bakchawk would also be a lot easiet to destry, attack heli's and planes would be way over the top uber.
Things I hate about Battlefield 2:

1: The wild inaccuracy of every weapon in the game, even when prone and looking down the sights.
2: The lack of damage caused by every gun in the game. I should not have to shoot a person in the chest 5 times before they go down.
3: The uselessness of the support guns and the sniper rifles.
4: The fact that the sniper rifles are sooo inaccurate and don't do nearly enough damage.
5: The fact that you can damage any vehicle just by driving over a hill.
6: The Engineer's shotgun(s).
7: The Anti-tank unlock.
8: The Support unlock.
9: The Sniper unlock.
10: The shitty patch.
11: The shitty game performance because of all the lag on every server.
12: Most of all, I HATE verifying the client data after every map. If it has to be there, it should only happen when you first join the server, not after every map.
bvasgm said:
Things I hate about Battlefield 2:

1: The wild inaccuracy of every weapon in the game, even when prone and looking down the sights.
2: The lack of damage caused by every gun in the game. I should not have to shoot a person in the chest 5 times before they go down.
3: The uselessness of the support guns and the sniper rifles.
4: The fact that the sniper rifles are sooo inaccurate and don't do nearly enough damage.
5: The fact that you can damage any vehicle just by driving over a hill.
6: The Engineer's shotgun(s).
7: The Anti-tank unlock.
8: The Support unlock.
9: The Sniper unlock.
10: The shitty patch.
11: The shitty game performance because of all the lag on every server.
maybe you are more the cs type.
Grey Fox said:
maybe you are more the cs type.

Exactly... some people ask for too much, and if it were changed it'd be one big game of CS with vehicles.

I'm not that dissapointed with the game, the only thing that bothers me is how easy you can die from getting hit by a vehicle. Other then that, the game is fine
I really don't think that asking for the weapons to be slightly more accurate, slightly more realistic, is asking too much. Don't get me wrong, I don't want CS:S with vehicles, I'm just pointing out the fact that the weapons are way too inaccurate.
The patch being semi-recalled is a piece of crap, and it really effing pisses me off.
The teamkill system. especially when im driving in a tank and a blackhawk filled with 6 people crashes into me, and I am credited with the 6 teamkills.
The DemonWithin said:
The teamkill system. especially when im driving in a tank and a blackhawk filled with 6 people crashes into me, and I am credited with the 6 teamkills.

yup that's my biggest peeve. i look at my score and it's negative something. bullshit.

oh and the vehicle bump kill (bpk) - ridiculous. still from the original. still annoying.
the ONLY thing that really pisses me off, is that when i'm capturing a command point and a guy comes at me, and i put a .50cal round in his chest he still is able to kill me. I like the damage on the other guns, i think they're swell. However, a gun that shoots 1 bullet every second, should at LEAST take 9/10 of your life (when full).
1: The game starts smooth but after a few minutes of play it gets choppy (or is it laggy) as hell
2: Theres a slight delay when killing someone. I shoot a headshot and it takes like 1-2s for the enemy to die (he can shoot back during that time atleast so it seams)
3: Agreed about that vehicle damage (boy do I hate that chopper thing!)
4: My kit sometimes changes when I die and then get resurected back to the fight (before dying I was a medic, after resurection I'm an engineer)
5: Server browser (ASE support!)
Bakurei said:
1: The game starts smooth but after a few minutes of play it gets choppy (or is it laggy) as hell
2: Theres a slight delay when killing someone. I shoot a headshot and it takes like 1-2s for the enemy to die (he can shoot back during that time atleast so it seams)
3: Agreed about that vehicle damage (boy do I hate that chopper thing!)
4: My kit sometimes changes when I die and then get resurected back to the fight (before dying I was a medic, after resurection I'm an engineer)
5: Server browser (ASE support!)

That's because somebody picked up your medic kit to revive you. You get their kit instead.
I think the game is really good. I do however hate that I die somtimes after getting off a vehicle (my fault though, I'm getting off while going full speed) and the whole verify thing. Also, I don't see what you guys mean about lag, I have been to about 2 servers in total where I get the "Connection Warning" thing, but that only lasted about 2 seconds.

Also, might be a bit off-topic, but what the hell happened here??
You mean that the weapons are too accurate in CS:S?
Your entire squad being owned by one sneaky assualt mereley becuase you don't have an assualt in your squad.

*Never happened to me but I've seen it happen from commander view.
bvasgm said:
Things I hate about Battlefield 2:

1: The wild inaccuracy of every weapon in the game, even when prone and looking down the sights. - assault rifles arent reknowned for their accuracy
2: The lack of damage caused by every gun in the game. I should not have to shoot a person in the chest 5 times before they go down. - most troops wear body armour
3: The uselessness of the support guns and the sniper rifles. - ones for suppression the other is a sniper(aka scout, spotter) not a long range killing machine
4: The fact that the sniper rifles are sooo inaccurate and don't do nearly enough damage. - sniper rifles are inaccurate at ranges over 300m and most sniper rifles are not bloody cannons and the ones that are like the awp cannot realistically be fired unless prone and with a support stand set up
5: The fact that you can damage any vehicle just by driving over a hill. - just like you can seriously damage a car by hitting a pothole
6: The Engineer's shotgun(s). - he's an engineer!! the shotgun rocks indoors
7: The Anti-tank unlock. a super shotgun owns a weak sub machine gun any day
8: The Support unlock. ?
9: The Sniper unlock.?
10: The shitty patch. - worked like a charm for me
11: The shitty game performance because of all the lag on every server. get a better connection my lag is lower than cs 1.6 in bf2
12: Most of all, I HATE verifying the client data after every map. If it has to be there, it should only happen when you first join the server, not after every map. - it takes less than 2 minutes after a 30 minute plus game- time for you to get up take a piss get a drink kill the cat

the game is so good for a first release of such a massive game i want to sing
it will improve but wow is it good
I've MANY times jumped out of a jeep while it was moving, and just died. Kinda sucks when you are escaping from a tank!
AmishSlayer said:
That's because somebody picked up your medic kit to revive you. You get their kit instead.
wa, how do you pickup heir kit, and can you do it to enemies.
You walk over their kit and press G by default
How in bloody hell do I change the rate of fire? I searched the controls for a rate of fire option but couldn't find it. In middle of fighting I'll hit a key and it will go to single fire but I can't find the key to switch it back.

They should have any anti-aircraft class.
BF2User said:
How in bloody hell do I change the rate of fire? I searched the controls for a rate of fire option but couldn't find it. In middle of fighting I'll hit a key and it will go to single fire but I can't find the key to switch it back.

They should have any anti-aircraft class.

3. 3 is the button for it.
why does the us m16 have burst and the mec ak full auto, to me tgat makes the ak a lot better, be it less accurt, what does everyone else think.
I wish the AK had burst fire too. That would make it much better for medium range. The upside is that the AK is better for long range because it is more powerful.
I understand the bullet delay; that it takes time for a bullet to cover a distance. However, the .50cal travels at 844.3 meters/second that means when i shoot at a standing person 250yrds away it should take a hair over one quarter of a second to hit them, not the 2 seconds i really have to deal with. Plus it should be a one hit kill. I can't tell you how many times a guys snuck up on me, only to have me shoot them in the chest at 10yrds, then be promptly killed.
Grey Fox said:
why does the us m16 have burst and the mec ak full auto, to me tgat makes the ak a lot better, be it less accurt, what does everyone else think.

Both weapons should have burst fire, the ak47 should be more powerful but only be accurate over short to medium distances. The m16 should still have some power but be much more accurate over medium to long distances.

With sniping, it should pretty much be 1 hit kills when hitting in head/chest area, and 2 hit kills when hitting arms and legs. Not all this 4 hit kills if hitting the guy in the chest or some shit like that.
15357 said:
3. 3 is the button for it.
Well, that just switches to the weapon again, which causes a switch in ROF. I find it annoying that if I accidentally hit my scroll button, and I scroll back to my primary, and click to select it then it goes to single shot. Then I have to scroll and do it again to switch back to full or burst or whatever, wasting even more precious high intensity combat time.
The concept of ranked unlocks in the game, the time it takes to join a freakin' game, the worst server browser I've ever used and the incompetence of EA all piss me off. It's so awesome once a good game really gets going, though!
Again I get to complain! This time the players get it! I mean I haven't seen players this bad and stupid in any game (even the bots are now proud of themselfs). This is a Team based game and yet almost no one plays as a team. Yea people join squads, well here's a news flash that just came in "joining squads don't mean shit if you don't play as a squad!"

But wait theres more, it seems that most players are blind! Yup seems to be damn hard for some folks to actually see the mipmap.

I'll go play more and come back complaining :p
People need to join a squad for reasons other than getting an extra spawn point.