Battlefield: Vietnam- Is it awesome?


Jan 11, 2004
Reaction score
Hey wassup guys, I was just reading an article a guy did for the school newspaper about Battlefield: Vietnam. I was all...yea, looks 'aight, ya know, until I read about the in-game music. Whoa. Players outside of vehicles can hear the music in your cars. And imagine how pwning that would feel when your firing missiles and gatlining and being piloted buy some weirdo while listening to "Ride of the Valkyries". Cool!
i bought it. i played it. i gave it back. i bought UT2004. i am still playing UT2004.

if your expecting the same atmoshpere and feel that BF1942 had, you will be dissapointed. the game is so much different, the levels are just too jungle-y (well i guess youve got to expect that from a BF:V game). The maps are OK, but there are no AMAZING classics - like there were in BF1942. The game just doesnt feel as fun.

And the veichles are great- but theyre nothing new. The helicopters are old once youve used them for an hour, and there are no amazing veichles like in BF1942. when i played the origonal, i was like "WOA LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT PLANE!", and i got transfixed by the veichles- and i still am on certain maps. but NONE of the BF:V veichles impressed me at all.

Overall the game just doesnt feel as fun. dont get me wrong- the actual games great- the graphics, the gameplay... its just that the veichles and the maps feel old and boring. i expected class, but the level design is poor.
I have B F:V and i love it, If you enjoyed BF1942 you will love it.

The music feature is really cool. Like in the map ho chi minh trail, where there arent any planes or helos, you can be hiding in some dense brush and watch an american drive by with "surfin bird" on, it's really funny sometimes.

dont listen to suicide42..he doesnt know what he's talking about =)...I wish it were possible to exchange an opened game if you didnt like it, nowhere in america will let you
Its a good game and a worthy purchase, although I don't know if I'd call it "awesome!!!11oneeleven.
If you don't have BF42 already though I'd recommend that first.
Vigilante said:
dont listen to suicide42..he doesnt know what he's talking about =)...I wish it were possible to exchange an opened game if you didnt like it, nowhere in america will let you

what??? i was a huge fan of the origonal and i still am. i never said the game was bad, i just said that IMO the maps dont have the same feel as the origonal. theyre just jungle with water and veichles... the level design doesnt feel right for me, i just feel like i am running around aimlessly capturing points. plus some of the maps are biast tawards teams.

But mainly i never felt like a hero. in the origonal, i could single handedly turn the game in my teams favour with only a rifle, pistol and a jeep. i could run over enemies and fly through the ruins of european cites. i could save the day by bringing a bomber to my teams rescue at the last minute... i could stealthily sneak up on enemies.

Its just in BFV, the maps feel too overgrown and you can get easily lost in them. BF:1942 had large, open maps with bare colours and lots of buildings, but after playing all of the BF:V maps they all just felt cramped and boring. there was only one map i liked, and i could never find any decent servers running it that werent full of newbs.

but dont say i dont know what im talking about... you have no idea.
I have BF1942 and DC, so I was wondering why its the #1 bestselling game on BTW, I have UT2k4 and love it- its so AWESOME!! Too bad my friend jacked it from me ;(
they will say that bfv sucks but it seriously doesnt. bfv kicks a ton of ass.
goldenboi said:
I have BF1942 and DC, so I was wondering why its the #1 bestselling game on BTW, I have UT2k4 and love it- its so AWESOME!! Too bad my friend jacked it from me ;(

UT2k4 has 100+ maps and tons of skins, loads of game modes, it is fully veichle supported and has a great SP mode. it has so much MP action, plus there are LOADS of custom map packs to download, anbd it is constantly being updated. i would give it 10/10 for value for money.

BF:V however, only allows you to do SP skirmishes with APPAULING AI, and it has about 10 maps. thats about it.

mind you, if you like the gameplay in BF:V those 10 maps can be just as good as 100 ones... but i still say UT2004 is much better value for money.
Battlefield: Vietnam is beyond an excellent game. Just read the June 2004 issue of PCGamer and you'll see how superb this title is.
BFV is good but i dont play it because i carnt be arsed to turn it on! It takes so bloody long, and then when i finaly get it on its so much effot to get into the same game as my mate.
Suicide42 said:
UT2k4 has 100+ maps and tons of skins, loads of game modes, it is fully veichle supported and has a great SP mode. it has so much MP action, plus there are LOADS of custom map packs to download, anbd it is constantly being updated. i would give it 10/10 for value for money.

BF:V however, only allows you to do SP skirmishes with APPAULING AI, and it has about 10 maps. thats about it.

mind you, if you like the gameplay in BF:V those 10 maps can be just as good as 100 ones... but i still say UT2004 is much better value for money.

I'm with him on this. Also once you've had enough fun with the normal style on UT2004 download the Red Orchestra mod. Its pretty nifty, very realistic, although its nothing compared to DoD.
Battlfield Vietnam is by FAR the BEST game out compared to the rest of the BFIELD series. If you even enjoyed BFIELD slighty, you will love Vietnam, especially once you get the chopper flying down. Great maps, Great classes, Great teamwork, Great Weapons, the list goes on. That is the only game i am playing right now. Tried to get into UT2k4 but doesn't really seem to interest me. Vietnam is my opionon was a great purchase and I'm sure it will be the only game I'm playing until HL2.