Battlefield Vietnam

Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
Been playing this alot since the sites been down and even joined a clan ( )
The only problem with the game is the m60, Any1 who's played the game knows what im talking about.
We got our own server [5thW]BFV
Its a 32 room UK server with a tip top ping, Feel free to drop in and have a blast.
I go by the name of [5thW] Jammy.
See you on the battlefield soldiers :D
I've got both, and love both. I'm waiting anxiously for a patch for Vietnam though, so UT2004 has gotten a bit more play. That and when I play with my friends we play Vietnam almost exclusively, so I do UT when I'm solo.
Have neither. WIll buy UT2004 someday, will never buy BF:V. I might do if they patch it properly. It's an expansion pack, not a full game.
Dunno about that, there was a lot of whining on the topic until it actually came out, and it now seems to have disappaited once people start to play. There is way more new stuff than most people thought there was gonna be.
i bought BF:V and was appaulled by it. some may like it, but i find its lack of levels and new features annoying. All the new tanks and stuff just feel like the old ones with more armour. The weapons are new but they all feel different than they do inh different games. Its really unbalanced...

I gave the game back and swapped it for a remake of MGS. IMO, the trade was worth it. i may have enjoyed BFV more if some of my freinds had bought it coz then we could have gone on a killin spree in a chopper, but alone i feel the game would get VERY boring.

and about the maps... in origonal BF, all the maps were sublime and endured great battles between allies and axis. I loved BF on LAN, and used to play it down at my local net cafe w/ all my mates. The trouble is, veitnam was kindof doomed from the start with maps- as all there is is jungle, jungle and more jungle. Sure there are some flat maps and some close quater maps but for me, NONE gave me the same feeling as good old BF. even on a LAN with my mates its still boring. They could have at least made more maps or a decent SP....

i would probally give BFV about 6/10. the thing is it tries to be a new game, but it is obviosly just an unbalanced expansion for the origonal, with less maps and no decent new feachers (exepth the helicopters, which arent that good anyway). I think that the only people who would like this game are either big fans of veitnam, or a fanatic of the BF series. Everyone else should probally give it a miss.

Ive been playing UT2004, and it is SO much more value for money than BFV. i mean.. BFV has about 8 maps or somin... UT2004 has about 100, and loads of skins, and superweapons, and loads of cool veichles- and with official map packs being released regullarly, it is definately worth the buy.
yeah i have both...even though the m60 and law can dominate,..if you have it it's still fun as crap =)....i love both of the games too. If you have ut2004 play on the stunt HQ server
I personally love playing Battlefield: Vietnam. The M60-Law combo is overpowered but with the basic realism in the game you can easily kill a US Heavy Weapons guy if you get the jump on him. The choppers are easy and fun to fly once you get the hang of them, but the real fun in the game begins when you hang out of the side of a transport chopper and shoot your LAW at an enemy Mi-8 flying 30 feet in front of you. Shooting the heat seeking rockets at enemy choppers from the back of the NVA transport chopper is always fun too.
Now what BF:V needs to really put it over the top is a good mod, ala Desert Combat. Or hell just move DC over to the new engine. :D
BF:V is jsut a $40 MOD. NO gameplay change, no significant moments, GREAT MUSIC!:D :D Anyway, I never got UT2004. I will only get the SE and so far it has been sold out. I still have my 1 month old raincheck. :D
ray_MAN said:
BF:V is jsut a $40 MOD. NO gameplay change, no significant moments, GREAT MUSIC!:D :D Anyway, I never got UT2004. I will only get the SE and so far it has been sold out. I still have my 1 month old raincheck. :D
the SE gives you nothing other than some headphones and a DVD with bugger all on it. Its a rip-off- unless you need some decent headphones.
I like BF:V a lot. I bought it the day it came out, and the CD basically hasn't left my computer since. True, the changes from BF:1942 aren't very big, but they're enough for me. The choppers handle great, the music is awesome, the levels are beautiful, etc. It runs very smoothly with all the settings on high, and I don't even own a super-rig (AMD 1800+, 768MB, ATI 9600+). There are a couple of issues with balancing, but I am quite sure that the patch (coming out pretty soon) will fix this. On thing is certain: it's the best 30 euros I ever spent!
well some people may love the game, but its obvios that epic games are giving us far more value for money than DICE. I mean, in all the time DICE have had to make this game im sure they could have at least made double the maps or something, as there are no maps that really make you go "wow".

Its actually quite hard for me to pinpoint what i dont like about the game- its just none of it makes me feel like im having fun. Too much of the same, without the things that made BF great.
people that like the UT-series tend to dont like the Battlefield games. and vice versa. its all about gameplay. UT is to frantic for me.
I play BF:V a lot.
I play with several other people but I played it a lot before they got into it.
I like walking from place to place a lot more than BF1942 because of the grass,trees and other cover. If you are up on a hill in the grass far away you are able to be seen because of the LOD but the easy way to fix that is to go behind hills and trees etc.

The music is fitting and I have not been raped with the M60 even though "everyone" says it is unbalanced. I actually perfer the Anti-Armor guy on the NV side with the AK, over the M60+Law.
Voice com is a must (whether it be Ventrilo or TS2).

Amount of ppl playing games who use Xfire. Today's Top 10 game stats.
16687 Call of Duty Multiplayer
13280 Battlefield Vietnam
7968 Counter-Strike
6715 Battlefield 1942
6500 America's Army: Operations
4674 Unreal Tournament 2004
2482 Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
2289 Halo
2073 Medal of Honor Allied Assault
1451 Far Cry

Gamespy stats

I donno but it seems to me the ppl who don't complain about BFV are out their too busy having a good time playing. ;)
Suicide42 said:
the SE gives you nothing other than some headphones and a DVD with bugger all on it. Its a rip-off- unless you need some decent headphones.

i have to disagree with you. I bought the SE and not only is it DVD (don't have to deal with 6 cd's) but you also get it in an Xbox style game case with the headphones. Not only do you get all this extra stuff but it costs EXACTLY the same as the normal PC-CDROM UT2004 game. So why wouldn't you get it?
Pendragon said:
Because the new printing of it is the same as the non-SE, but with the second disc (and on DVD)--no sexy box, no headset. Curse those Atari bastards.

well, then i praise my foresight
i got BF:V OVER UT2K4... much more fun, IMO... i've never played 1942 so i dunno about all this "mod" talk... i'll be getting UT 2k4 as soon as they release the SE.... or when i find money and beat far cry
csmighty1 said:
i have to disagree with you. I bought the SE and not only is it DVD (don't have to deal with 6 cd's) but you also get it in an Xbox style game case with the headphones. Not only do you get all this extra stuff but it costs EXACTLY the same as the normal PC-CDROM UT2004 game. So why wouldn't you get it?

are you saying the SE costs £24.99?

people that like the UT-series tend to dont like the Battlefield games. and vice versa. its all about gameplay. UT is to frantic for me.

i love the battlefeild games- the origonal and two expansion packs were some of the best games i have ever played. I just feel BFV doesnt live up to the BF reputation.
I think BF:V is more different from BF than a lot of people realize. You're not kicking ass with waves of tanks in the desert anymore, you're trying not to get killed in the jungle.
That said I do want to see a mod with BF:V's abilities and BF's gameplay.
To whom it may concern: the 1.01 patch is out. Its just a bugfixing one; the 1.1 patch is also on its including a new map with new choppers.
Awesome, I've been waiting for this patch. So many bugs to fix. I'm downloading it now. Although I don't see any sign of fixes for AA an AF on Radeon cards. If it doesn't fix that I will be throughly pissed.
BFV is alright. I only just reinstalled it tonight after a month of not playing it; I simply refused to play until the M60/LAW combo was removed. So I go and reinstall BFV, and remember the real reasons I stopped playing:
- The weapons don't have a good "feel" to them.
- The game takes a LONG time to load.
- The maps have the opposite problem I had with BF'42's maps: Now instead of having a few too-constrictive maps, I have 14 too-open maps.
- The foliage adds a stealth aspect that pretty much ruins infantry combat for me.

Like Direwolf, I would love to see a remake of BF1942 using the BFV engine. Any mod team should be able to do it, though I have no idea how hard it would be to port over vehicles and maps (if at all possible).
I would like to see A Bf1942 mod in the Source engine.. I just think the troop combat and fps feeling in all BF games has been lacking thus far.
But then it would feel completely different, and it wouldn't be BF anymore.

New choppers? What new choppers? I love choppers!
Sulkdodds said:
But then it would feel completely different, and it wouldn't be BF anymore.

New choppers? What new choppers? I love choppers!

that would be a good thing... the troop combat would be spectacular, the weapon effects, sound effects, particle effects (I LOATHE BF explosions, they look like they are from a generic EA game, something that would look better in a racing game) etc.

the only thing is... I dont know how HL2 would handle the map sizes, or the vehicle handling.
I still would love to see BF1942 in Source though... it would just straight up kick ass.

I cant stand the BF explosions, animations, death sequences, controls.
what really makes the game for me is flying planes in BF, and choppers in DC... I looooooove choppers to death.
BF:vietnam cant hold a candle to DC's chopper controls.
Mr. Redundant said:
that would be a good thing... the troop combat would be spectacular, the weapon effects, sound effects, particle effects (I LOATHE BF explosions, they look like they are from a generic EA game, something that would look better in a racing game) etc.

the only thing is... I dont know how HL2 would handle the map sizes, or the vehicle handling.
I still would love to see BF1942 in Source though... it would just straight up kick ass.

I cant stand the BF explosions, animations, death sequences, controls.
what really makes the game for me is flying planes in BF, and choppers in DC... I looooooove choppers to death.
BF:vietnam cant hold a candle to DC's chopper controls.
You can scale the HL2 units with a modification. Valve has said that physics are guaranteed to be accurate up to 1/32 units, so I assume you could scale it so that 1 BF mod unit = 32 HL2 units.

And I too absolutely hate the explosions in the BF series. The splash damage NEVER WORKS on infantry. I once launched six shells at one soldier; all of them detonated within two or three feet and all of them sent him off the ground, but he didn't die.

And the jets are way too friggin' fast in BFV.