Battlegrounds 2 - 0.16b release


Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
You American rapscallions. While you rest on your laurels with your SUVs, your burgers, your five thousand TV channels, your gigantic, corpulent bodies glued to your beanbag couches, the Empire watches across the Atlantic with envious eyes. While you squat, smug in your supremacy, we have been training using Battlegrounds 2 – a mod that pitches the player into the American war of independence, training them in the use of contemporary tactics and weapons. While you laugh, we have been practising our line formations and our musket drill. With bugs and glitches fixed, the highly accurate murder simulation of Battlegrounds 2 has turned us all into unstoppable killing machines! The time of your downfall is near![br]

[br]Countrymen, click here to join the fight against the colonial dogs. What, you think they’d be clever enough to look here, download this mod and train themselves to resist us? Ha! Not a chance!
I lol'ed at the news post.
And woo \0/ bug fixes
I've played one of the previous versions. Good fun, but the reloading times!
Seriously! Is it really necessary to clean the barrel, oil it, wait twelve minutes for it to clean,
pour the gunpowder in, do a ceremonial dance to celebrate the virility of your shaman,
chant a hymn in honor of the departed bullet...
...And then, step 2!
It's actually 5 seconds, a lot quicker then the 25-30 seconds needed with that kind of guns in those days. Reload on a tactical moment and learn how to use your bajonet and you'll be fine.

Zaph said:
I've played one of the previous versions. Good fun, but the reloading times!
Seriously! Is it really necessary to clean the barrel, oil it, wait twelve minutes for it to clean,
pour the gunpowder in, do a ceremonial dance to celebrate the virility of your shaman,
chant a hymn in honor of the departed bullet...
...And then, step 2!

Haha, yeah I hate the reloading times and I'm not sure why I keep coming back to this mod seeing as I don't particularly like all the melee combat... but every time they put out an update I get this sudden urge to play again. I guess I just find the whole running around with muskets thing to be rather entertaining :D.
Monkwarrior said:
It's actually 5 seconds, a lot quicker then the 25-30 seconds needed with that kind of guns in those days. Reload on a tactical moment and learn how to use your bajonet and you'll be fine.

Yeah, I know. ;P I exaggerate things sometimes.
People are usually not too accurate in close combat,
so I've managed to reload in situations like that.
And in combat with distant enemies, it's easy to just crouch behind something.
Strange thing is also I keep coming back for this mod.
It has a new gamemode now: last-man-standing for teams (like CS). That's rather funny to play with these weapons. I run a server for it and I'll add some TDM-maps for this new gamemode.

Great little mod here. I wasn't there during the revolutionary war but the mod feels very authentic. Great atmosphere in-game.

And another AAA sulkdodds news post.
this may sound funny but this game is actually more exciting than say css during most part simply because if you miss the enemy he comes charging at you, and you can run while reloading and it seems right before i'm done reloading i die:x . But anyways, very fun mod.
duckmoose said:
It's fun, but "authentic"? That has to be a joke.
If you get in a fireline server, you'll have loads of fun.