Battlestations Pacific demo


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Never got round to playing the first Battlestations game but I did play the demo for it and that was hella fun. Basically it's a RTS game where you can pilot (almost) all the available vehicles. Especially the flying is fun. This sequel seems to have the same gameplay but better graphics, bigger maps, etc. Downloading this now (mirror) so I'll post impressions later.
I can't wait to get back home and try this.
It crashed after about 15 minutes of playing, but first impressions are positive. Don't expect this to be very realistic; it's basically one big Jap slaughter with all the weapons you can think of. Flying is very easy. I prefer the arrow keys, but the mouse works well enough for me to use it. Looks pretty too, but don't expect something Crysis like.
OK, this is fun. The sp mission in the demo is basically a tutorial and the two skirmish modes seem to lack some essential units to play 'em right (I could only get Island Assault to work), but I had a blast nonetheless. It's very, very arcade; the dogfights quite resembled the ones I had in BF1942, altho the planes don't fly as twitchy. If you're bored and don't have huge expectations the demo is worth the download. Supposedly it's out on XBL as well.