Battletech: Mobile Infantry Update



This unnamed map is the work of Hazzard, one of the mappers on the Battletech team. They are creating a mod which emphasizes the infantry or front line soldiers, except in their world there are battle armor (mechs) and lots of tanks. To visit their website and view some more of their work, click here.[br]

Do mods not have any pride in their work? Why would you have such a crappy, low quality jpeg?

Looks good though. :p
toekneebullard said:
Do mods not have any pride in their work? Why would you have such a crappy, low quality jpeg?

Mystery of the human brain.

*shh, if you listen quietly you can hear lawyers yelling..."Sue! Sue!"*
Cypher19 said:

*shh, if you listen quietly you can hear lawyers yelling..."Sue! Sue!"*
i can hear them...

god dam it, i already had too many voices in my head,
and now i have to hear the dam lawyers.
rocklegendfm99 said:
i can hear them...

god dam it, i already had too many voices in my head,
and now i have to hear the dam lawyers.

*Puts on a dark suit and glasses*
This is a cease and desist, "Voices In My Head" is a copyright of a completely unknown yet legally represented corporation which exists simply to shatter your hopes and ruin your life. Consider yourself warned. ;)
Did know Ghost Bear was in battletech, but I haven't read the books either.