BBC hacks into thousands of PCs


Dec 30, 2007
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The BBC has deliberately hacked into 22,000 PCs to prove the power of botnets, and the damage that can be done with a network of compromised computers.

Click ? BBC News' technology programme ? with the help of anti-virus company Prevx, took over thousands of computers in order to demonstrate a growing problem in the modern world.

The BBC points out that it 'destroyed' its botnet after finishing its project.= YEAH RIGHT

BBC Evil
"If this exercise had been done with criminal intent it would be breaking the law."

did they get permission from these people? surely its illegal without consent.
"If this exercise had been done with criminal intent it would be breaking the law."

did they get permission from these people? surely its illegal without consent.

yeah but how u going to prove they hack into your computer, or in some cases people will find out and im sure they'd get done for it!!
We don't know people can do this?
Cool, does that mean I can go on a stabbing spree to show the underrated power of knives?
Furthermore, at the end of this next excerpt you'll see that the BBC "warned" the users that their computers were part of a botnet. They did this by changing the desktop wallpaper of affected computers owned by innocent third parties to display a message from BBC Click.
Sounds ****ing outrageous, I'd be fuming. Sanctimonious c*nts.
It's like breaking into people's houses and leaving them a note to say 'HAHA YOUR SECURITY IS EASILY COMPROMISED"
Wow. This is ****ing shameful, I had been affected I would want a form or something expressing my permission not a new wallpaper with a ****ing message. I hope they get sued to hell and back.