BBC2 20 minutes; must-watch documentary by Adam Curtis!


Companion Cube
Feb 3, 2005
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Some of you may remember a documentary a while back called 'The Power of Nightmares' (about how the threat of global terrorism was being manipulated by western governments).

If you remember that and you're in the UK, you might be interested to know that Adam Curtis (maker of that documentary) has a new 3-part docu which starts airing tonight in a little under 30 minutes. I only just spotted it in the schedule.

The Trap - What Happened to Our Dreams of Freedom
Part 1/3 'F**k you, buddy'
BBC2 9:00pm

WATCH IT. After the sheer quality of Power of Nightmares, I'm really looking forward to this one. Anyone interested in civil liberties and the like should tune in.

I would have stuck this thread in politics, but tbh I really don't have a clear idea what the show will be about yet or what the message is going to be :o Maybe, like TPoN, it will be worthy of another thread if it generates loads of discussion, or when it resurfaces on Google vids...
Gratuitous self-bump. Okay so now that 2 out of these 3 documentaries are done with and they've started to appear online, I figure people might be interested in checking it out.

It talks about certain schools of thought that grew influential in the 20th century ('Game Theory' for instance) and how they shaped our very idea of what it means to be human. It asks if certain inaccuracies in those ideas have now completely screwed up the way we now approach 'freedom' in society, and the implications it has for government.

It's hard for me to describe exactly what the program has said so far, only that it's DEEP. I strongly urge anyone here with an interest in...well, anything, to watch it. The first episode is a bit dry and historical, but the second packs a real punch. Plus it has interviews with John 'Beautiful Mind' Nash among others.

The 3rd and final part is on BBC2 tonight at 9pm, and I'll post links to that when I can, and maybe make a politics thread that links to this one. Cheers.

Episode 1:

Episode 2:
Good bump. These are very good though quite disturbing documentaries. Must see.
The last one is on tonight at 9pm - looks to be an interesting one.
Never heard of them but they sound very interesting. Ill watch it when i get home tonight.
It was very interesting yesterday. I especially liked the part about Blair's policies. Did someone find it online yet? I have a couple of colleagues that are interested.
awesome, will watch tonight when I get a chance ..good to see they're online already
Great post, Laivasse. Just finished watching Part 1, very interesting. Ill probably have to watch these a few times.
Glad people are finding these interesting - looks like the 3rd and last one has been uploaded:

Part Three