BD (The new DVD) 25gb - 50gb disk


Jun 25, 2004
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Blu-ray, also known as Blu-ray Disc (BD) is the name of a next-generation optical disc format jointly developed by the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA), a group of leading consumer electronics and PC companies (including Dell, Hitachi, HP, JVC, LG, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Pioneer, Philips, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, TDK and Thomson). The format was developed to enable recording, rewriting and playback of high-definition video (HD), as well as storing large amounts of data. A single-layer Blu-ray Disc can hold 25GB, which can be used to record over 2 hours of HDTV or more than 13 hours of standard-definition TV. There are also dual-layer versions of the discs that can hold 50GB.

pretty awesome :p 25/50gb on a damn disk rofl :p
I think that will kill the external hard-drive business.
Cool, but they are developing akind of a discs which have 3d layers, that you can store about 100 000 dvd's on one of those discs, I saw that a couple years ago on TV.
The one Grey Fox is talking about won't be out for quite some time. C-3D's Fluorescent Multilayer Disc (FMD) is closer to the same time frame as the Blu-Ray discs... and 100GB sounds better than 50GB. :E
I remember when a 1.44 floppy was the biggest storage unit other than a hard drive. I still have the original Descent on 6 disks :p
Operator said:
I remember when a 1.44 floppy was the biggest storage unit other than a hard drive. I still have the original Descent on 6 disks :p
I have ultima 8 on eight disks, I remember because of how shocked my 8 year old mind was at eight whole disks for one game.
I remember when my uncle bought a 300 meg hard drive (barely). it was like 600 bucks :O

I remberber being shocked at star-trek 25th anneversery. 7 1.44meg floppies :eek:

and the day when we got out 1x cd-rom... wow.....

oh, Hey, when did this turn from future computing to nostalgia-technology ?? :rolleyes:
Phisionary said:
I remember when my uncle bought a 300 meg hard drive (barely). it was like 600 bucks :O

I remberber being shocked at star-trek 25th anneversery. 7 1.44meg floppies :eek:

and the day when we got out 1x cd-rom... wow.....

oh, Hey, when did this turn from future computing to nostalgia-technology ?? :rolleyes:
NAtural progression of forum topics. The final end-state for all threads is discussion of pr0n.
CyberSh33p said:
NAtural progression of forum topics. The final end-state for all threads is discussion of pr0n.
Oh, hey... That reminds me... I remember way back when I first had pr0n on my computer. stored it on 720k floddies I did... none of your fancy newfangled 'pr0n-cd's' and 'pr0n-dvd's' and 'pr0n-saturated hard-drives'
haha, j/k. i can't remember that far back, I was only a little kid! :E

hehehe. well, prepare for this discussion to go downhill. or uphill, depending on how interesting you find blu-ray in relationship to pr0n, i guess.
Kommie said:
I have ultima 8 on eight disks, I remember because of how shocked my 8 year old mind was at eight whole disks for one game.

I'm pretty sure I could route around for the original windows 3.1 installtion pack. Was that 30 disks or something?
My money is on HD-DVD bieng the dominating format.
[Matt] said:
My money is on HD-DVD bieng the dominating format.
Blu-ray by far, it's got Sony's backing and it's the format used in the PS3 - it will own
I'm pretty sure I could route around for the original windows 3.1 installtion pack. Was that 30 disks or something?

I know MsDos 5 was 7 disks.
Icarusintel said:
Blu-ray by far, it's got Sony's backing and it's the format used in the PS3 - it will own

Ah, but MS are backing HD-DVD, which'll mean most home computers will end up packing one.
From what I've gathered it's Disney, Fox, Sony, and MGM against Toshiba, NEC, Sanyo, Microsoft, Warner, Paramount, Universal, and New Line. Wow, the two corporations I hate the most (Rupert's Fox and Bill's Microsoft) are battling each other. It can only hurt one of them, and not very much... but it's a start. Also, there are DVD/HD-DVD discs that have a layer of DVD data and a layer of HD-DVD data so they will also work in current DVD players... easing the crossover to the HD-DVD format. The DVD Forum seems to be leaning slightly toward HD-DVD. Seeing as I already have a cheap DVD player and I'm an early adopter (those mean I don't need backwards compatibility)... I would prefer they went with the format that has more storage but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.
I thought HD-DVD was going to be the new standard?