

Dec 4, 2004
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Who here likes the Beatles? Im sure bunch of you don't and thats ok but please dont say you hate them just cause everyone else does. They are one of my fave bands ever and you really should hear them if you havent. Some of their less popular songs are really good.
I do, but I think I prefered them when they were new...They started getting a little strange after a couple of years.
I like Sgt Peppers (1967) the best because only Lennon could think up weird yet great lyrics like that. Beatles were one of the 1st bands to sing all weird like that but they got some cool songs on their other albums that I like too. I have 4 of their albums-Hard Days Night, Sgt. Peppers, the White Album, and Abbey Road.
I've never really liked their music or their image. But I won't deny their significance in history for a second.
Don't like their Image? Well anyway It's really about the music not the image. Lennon could look like ozzy with short hair and it really doesn't matter.

Yes the Beatles are one of the best bands ever. They don't just have a few good songs. They have ALOT of good songs. Hundreds.
absolutley love the beatles. Being a drummer... i believe ringo star is one of the most underapreciated drummers of our time. Sure we have legends like John bohnam , and neal peart. But he is extremly talented. Listen to Daytripper, or helter-skelter and tell me different.


mike :smoking:
They're not bad I've got the Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club CD. It's cool.
I like the Beatles. So many great songs, Norwegian Wood, While my guitar gently weeps, the long and winding road, hey jude, let it be, here comes the sun, fool on the hill, all you need is love, shes leaving home, strawberry fields, ticket to ride, love me do. The list just goes on and on.
I'd say they're on my short list for the greatest bands ever.