Beautiful COD2 screenshots (big SS's, not 56k friendly)


Party Escort Bot
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
I just recieved my game from XFX (free with a purchase of a 7800GT) and, overall, I'm really impressed. The gameplay is awesome, as usual, with explosions everywhere, people yelling, whether it's your language or not, and the graphics are out of this world. The amount of detail is amasing. So more is there disortion when you get up-close to a wall -- it's full in detail all the way up to the brick textures.

Here are a few screenshots that show off this beauty, with it's almost-bloom effects (glow around edges) and overall ambient detail.




(Good shot of the detail on the gloves.)

The only thing I could complain about is the lack of ragdolls -- it would add so much.

These are taken at 1280x1024 on all High, everything maxed, 4XAA, 4XAF.

A64 2.2GHz
2GB PC3200

Still runs good on my system, which makes me breathe a sigh of relief. I was kinda worried that I spent all this money on a machine and it wouldn't run the next-gen stuff well. Of course, as we go along, games will require more than COD2 does and I'll need to go SLi. But for now, 40 FPS, dips into the 20's aren't bad at all for a next-gen game.
Kinda sechsy. :D

Qonfused said:
The only thing I could complain about is the lack of ragdolls -- it would add so much.

That's what I say!
I agree. It looks really nice but it's COD1 with an assload of normal mapping.

No complaints here though.
I saw COD2 run on an XBOX360 today at EB Games. It looks very nice...on an HDTV of course. I'll go out on a limb and say it looks a bit better than the PC version (on an HDTV..remember, the games are all made for High Definiton). So I was surprised on how smooth it ran..way above 60 FPS...hardly any sort of slowdown.
bam23 said:
I agree. It looks really nice but it's COD1 with an assload of normal mapping.

yeah, doesn't look too special
I really enjoyed the demo, but noticed that the engine was a complete piece of shit.

It handled particles beautifuly, and the engine looked fantastic, but things like physics and ragdolls were like... Not there.

But they must have optimized the crap outa the game. I was running 4x aa, everything high, and it ran beautifuly.

Otherwise, it was tons of fun. I'm going to have to pick this one up :)
It looks pretty good but I still think Source looks better. Maybe it's my PC though.

Either way, hell of a game. What the hell is with no ragdolls though?
The screenshots don't do it justice. I could take a short movie but then I'd have to compress it defeating the point of the whole video.
No, I've played it. The demo, anyway.
Qonfused said:
The screenshots don't do it justice. I could take a short movie but then I'd have to compress it defeating the point of the whole video.

A video wouldn't even do it justice.

In the demo, even after playing through on my 3rd time, I found myself slowly going through buildings, making sure they were clear, as all hell broke loose outside.

Then all of a sudden *BRATATATATA* and I go "OH SHIT! AUGHGHGHG!" and unload an entire clip into a guy, even through I already killed him.
I played through the demo like eight times today... Veteran difficulty, I find, is best.

It's really quite intense. Captures the spirit of the war. I'm getting the full thing as soon as I have money.
Veteran difficulty in the full game is a son of a bitch. Especially when they tell you of all people to plant C4 on a tank while being shot at from 50 different directions, including the tank.
CoD2 is teh awesomeness! :cheers:

You Brits sure aint pansies!
I played the demo through a few times.

It's a great looking game. Much better looking than the screenshots would suggest, but I didn't really think it was all that fun TBH. And, granted it was a demo I played, but the men kept shouting the same thing over and over, i thought that took away from the game.

Anyway, if it runs well on my low performance 9250 PCI card w/celeron CPU, than anyone with a game machine can expect high frame rates and full visuals. The smoke and explosions are extrodinary

IF you have the money, and buy lots of games, don't miss this one
If you're buying it for great MP, You're in for a disappointment... CoD1+UO's mp is way better...
The SP is outstanding though.
I must be one of the few people who thinks it looks really bland, bland, bland. It looks exactly like they took CoD, whacked on a few bump and normal maps (while leaving other textures attrociously low-res) and slapped a '2' on the cover. The poly counts on some of those models are unforgivable for what's supposed to be releasing on the Xbox 360 as a 'next-gen' game.
well its got a homely feel to it I guess, good simple fun gameplay, much better looking.. how can you loose?, but when you put it that way Axyon, yeh it isnt anything uber special.
I suppose I am pretty biased though, as CoD really grated on me in the first place.
I think it looks quite pleasant...

I liked the original. But tbh CoD is more about the gameplay than the graphics imo. And in that area i think it is great. Although i do like my eye candy. But as i say, looks quite nice, so can't say i'm complaining.
I agree with Axyon, except I hate this game. I don't just not care for it, I HATE IT.

To me, it's basically just your teammates saying: "Hey you! Get up here and help us take those krauts out (ALL BY YOURSELF)"

Your friends might take a pot shot or two, but I've never seen them kill one enemy soldier. Maybe an arm shot or something, but it always requires YOU to run up and execute them a couple, oh, two or three times, or smash their face with the rifle butt once or twice.

And I hate how there's only one way to go. Really stupid. REALLY linear.

And I'm not going to get into the ragdoll issue, because that's atrocious. However, what's with using basically the same death animations from CoD1?

-4 stars from me.