Behind the scenes (Shadowrun): Balancing mouse/keyboard vs controller

Short answers wrong. Very wrong.

Reading the article, I see they had auto-aim on for controllers and not mouse, when the mouse was given an even field the controllers weren't dominating.

I think if you reversed the situation, ripped auto aim out of controllers, you'd not have a contest. Auto aim for a good player doesn't give you that much of an advantage when using a mouse. However for sticks the advantage is huge (baring an aim system like Goldeneye/Perfect Dark/GoW, but to do that you effectively can't turn).

That was the one factor of the test they didn't do. Essentially making a game for the controller and bolting a mouse feature on, then acting surprised when the mouse looses out.

Stick a controller in a game built for the mouse up and the controllers going to get splashed every time, they admit as much

Some will say that the work we do to make the controller aiming feel good is basically cheating, and that its not true “skill” that helps them win. From one perspective that might be true, but you have to look at our goal. We want to level the playing field between PC and console.

Just so I don't sound over cynical. I see what they've tried to and succeeded in doing. Balancing out a controller and a mouse. However I feel this will just piss mouse players off as they're effectively playing with 'Borked' settings to make up for controllers inadequacies.
Short answer:

You need to give the player using a controler advantages over the player using the mouse to have an even game.

Everybody knew that.

They're also saying a controller has quick access to every game function/weapons.

I could just buy a mouse with more than 3 buttons and have the exact same access.
Controller/mouse argument aside, I still can't see what's appealing about this game.
They're also saying a controller has quick access to every game function/weapons.

I could just buy a mouse with more than 3 buttons and have the exact same access.

You don't need more than 3 buttons.

2 buttons + mousewheel + keys around wasd=more functions than will ever fit on an xbox360 controler.

The way they make sure the controler has all functions available is either by introducing toggle-keys or by limiting number of functions (for example, it is unusual for console-shooters to have many different weapons available at once).

Unless this game comes with some solid singleplayer there is no way in hell that I'll invest in it. Tailoring games to consoles is the same as limiting the game for pc.

I think it's good. they've put a lot of thought into the way you aim with the pad, especially mapping the controls on a curve (exactly what I would have done). As far as them being on the same level? I'll have to see it to believe it, but I don't believe it's possible without some sort of crippling or cheating.

If they greatly improve the aiming on a game-pad, then that's awesome . . . as long as they don't cripple the PC or give the console cheats (like auto-aim).
You don't need more than 3 buttons.

2 buttons + mousewheel + keys around wasd=more functions than will ever fit on an xbox360 controler.
if you use RDFG instead of WASD, you have 4 additional keys you can quickly access. If you want to get ambitious....

Any gaming mouse + Wolfclaw 2

Not sure if it's been posted or not but it's an interesting read.

hmmm I wonder how much of this is tempered by the fact that shadowrun a Microsoft published game developed by a company owned by Microsoft is also the first game to offer: cross platform gameplay (Vista live anywhere), is a games for Windows Showcase game (all games with Games For Window branding must have as a prerequisite full controller support) ...Microsoft is pushing hard on the idea that Controllers are the best way of playing video games ..they're doing the same with another Vista showcase game: Age of Conan ..another cross platform game that has full controller support (and seems to be the default control scheme even for the pc) ..despite being a MMO

**** you microsoft, I'll play how and with whatever control scheme I want to ..and just for heavy handed propaganda, I'm buying a logictec gamepad if a game demands it

interesting read nonetheless ..doesnt make me any more/less inclinded to want cross platform gaming ..there's plenty of annoying pc gamers out there, why would I want to introduce a whole new kind of annoying?
The controller requirement is actually only enforced if it's possible with that type of game... Like a learning to type game wouldn't need controller support (but who cares and I doubt that a typing game would even try for a G4W brand label).

Raxxman: Controllers are a lot less inaccurate than a mouse... If you took away auto-aim, it would be HORRIBLE... They would never do that.

From what people have said, there is really no difference in aiming with console/PC.

Also, Shadowrun it's really all about using tactical choices about what sort of magic or technology you will use to win rounds. I'm in the beta for it, and it's pretty fun... Won't set the world on fire or anything, but it's a decent game.
The controller requirement is actually only enforced if it's possible with that type of game... Like a learning to type game wouldn't need controller support (but who cares and I doubt that a typing game would even try for a G4W brand label).
