Bei Mir Bist du Shein

Did you check on google? jus do the band name, or composer or whatever (havent listened to it) and then put lyrics, im sure someone would have posted lyrics to it somewhere. unless its a filler song.
did a google, couldn't find any lyrics for this version.
:( I'd be eterinally grateful if someone would transcribe it for me. i'd offer you some webspace or soemthing if you did.

Also, if someone has leet audio skills, is it possible to strip the lyrics out of it and jsut have the music?
Yeah its possible, forget what the tool was called, what kind of music is it. if id like it, ill download it an see what i can do.
Originall it's klezmer, but this is a swing version. if you could do it more me i'd be in your debt
Alright i have half of it done, there are some foreign words, jus wrote what they sounded like.
alright it is finished.
beimer mr shane(?), please let me explain, it means that my hearts your domain(?)
I tried to explain, beimer mr shane, and hoped that you'd understand.
I could say bella bella, even vonda vonda (some foreign words.)
its language only helps me tell you, how bad you are.
well i tried to explain, beimer mr shane, and hoped that you'd understand.

music interlude thing.

I could (or some foreign words that sound like eh cout) bella bella, even vonda va.
its language only helps me tell you, how bad you are.
well i tried to explain, beimer mr shane, and hoped that you'd understand.
and hoped that, youd understand.
and hoped that, youd understand.

best i could do.
Sidenote: i jus noticed that i screwed up the beginning, after reading the thread name again, but i only speak english, and it sound like mr shane. heheh. anyways, you wanted help, an the english parts i got. sorry its not exact.
Thnak you very, very much! it's bella bella which is italian(?) for beautiful and it's vonderbal some lanague for wonderful.

Now if anyone knows how to stript the lyrics out, i'd be jsut as gratful.
Thanks for the german info, but Bei Mir Bistu Du Shein is yiddish for To me, you are lovely (beuatiful etc. ) The original song was compeltly in yiddish. :p

anyway does any kno if it's possible to strip the lyrics out?
Almost all the words in the german language is yiddish for me but my language (swedish) and german have some similarites (spelling?) so i can understand some words.
Hish what's that link for?

"Bei mir bist du schön" my be German, but the Orginal verison of this song is compelty in Yiddish. Yiddish is a combination of Hebrew and German, and it's written in Hebrew, including the title. Th closet transliterated title is Bei Mir Bis Du Shein, or it could be spelled Bay Mir Bistu Shein, or just Baymirbistushein.

so is it possible to remove the lyrics form the song?
sorry, I really hate getting ino disagreements with cool members of the boards... :/

I jsut needed the lyrics, which i got :)

now, is it possible to complete romove the vocals?
Heh, nietzsche you don't post here very often anymore and when you do it's usually with the :dozey: icon.
yeah, thats about the same result I got from Goldwave :/

I was hoping it was possible to complete remove them...