Being a volunteer.

Adrien C

May 12, 2004
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By having some problems with my studies, I've recently decided to take a break as, latly, it didn't make sense. So, Ive decided, hey, why not volunteer for some conuntry wich name I can not pronounce ? So as to now, I'm like crazy looking for some volunteer site. The problem is, most of them seems like some bullshit scams to me. They ask you to pay them for you to help. A non refundable 400 USD my ass. I have no problem not being paid for 4 month, but to pay for the job is uterly stupid and seems like a scam to me.
The UN asks for 5 year work experience ... I'm not going to even comment on that.

So have any of you taken the volunteer adventure ?
Hell ya, i volunteered at the red cross for a summer you can learn alot about disaster services. I also volunteer by making art peices here and there. just volunteer somewhere you love or find some way to volunteer doing something you love
Where did you go ?

Edit.- I'm seing that a lot of organizations use this to gain money. I mean, one site ( asks for 3000 Euros to volunter for some sientific project in Australia.
Friendly, it is best advice of mine to be given to you to become a voluntary personal, helping your occupational resume as a result of this. ,if money that they will getting become refundable you should make a consideration for these efforts. best wishing and luck to you, friendly. :) :) :) :) :) :)
Holy ****, holy ****, holy ****.

Please tell me this isn't a joke.
supertrooper said:
Friendly, it is best advice of mine to be given to you to become a voluntary personal, helping your occupational resume as a result of this. ,if money that they will getting become refundable you should make a consideration for these efforts. best wishing and luck to you, friendly. :) :) :) :) :) :)

I *LOVED* you.

Are you the real deal or are you an impostor?

EDIT: Sorry for off topic. On topic... volunteering is good stuff.
recently there are becoming confusions, i leaving for long trip but i return yesterday back to austria to talk to all friendlies. thanks for your concerning, friendly :) :) :) :) :) :)
Adrien C said:
Where did you go ?

Edit.- I'm seing that a lot of organizations use this to gain money. I mean, one site ( asks for 3000 Euros to volunter for some sientific project in Australia.

I went to the American red cross but im prety sure they have something like that over there world wide

its very rewarding yuoll have one experience where youll see how good you have it or how lucky you are'

sorry for typos but im trying to eat and type

try for you local hospital and libraries also dont use the web just go in person; the web is just looing for $$ anyway
try like societies also cancer societies fund raisers
Yep, I've just realized that being a volunteer on the net = going on holidays for 2000 dollars.
all my volunteer activities have been local, through my school or in my town. I don't know much about international stuff. There is the PeaceCorps, but that's a two year commitment.
The Gulf Coast region of the United States is still devastated. The areas East of New Orleans and west of Mobile still need all the help they can get. I'm sure you could find a group doing work there be it a large organization like the Red Cross or maybe a private church group taking people along to help the reconstruction process. Best of luck for whatever you decide to do.